Chapter 6

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The following hours of the new day, being a Monday, was a bit of a mess.

Sam's mother instinctually made her way to her son's room, spry and ready for the day as she often was so early.

Her petite knuckles rapped against the wooden door before she pressed her ear to it, waiting for her son's response.

She was fairly confused when she thought she heard a duo of grunts.

On the opposing side of the door, Sam awoke with a frustrated noise at his lips and screwed tight eyes. His body began to move sluggishly into a stretch, only to lead to him flinching and letting out a yelp as he felt his arm hit something warm and, well, alive.

Colby, being a bit of a deeper sleeper, had only been properly disturbed from his slumber by the noise. He'd responded to the sound of the door being tapped on as a reflex, but now he was starting to fully wake up, head perked up to see where the sound had come from.

His tired expression grew more animated as he saw Sam sitting there staring at him, hugging the blankets up to his chest, eyes wide and face red.

Then Sam looked at the door, like he knew his mother was about to call out again.

"Sweetheart, is everything okay?"

Sam's jaw fell slack as if he were about to reply, but his mind needed to gather an excuse first, causing a leading silence to follow until he opened his mouth once more.

"Y-yeah, mom! Just almost fell out of bed, no biggie," Sam called back with an onset worried tone lacing his morning voice.

"If you say so, hon. Get up, it's time for school."

With her filtered voice through the door growing distant with movement, Sam breathed a sigh of relief, glancing back down to Colby, who slowly turned his head from the door over to Sam, his shoulder blades jumping up as he propped himself onto his elbows, shaking his hair out of his eyes.

"When did you take off your shirt?" Sam couldn't help but ask, high-pitched stun in his voice.

Colby shrugged, briefly, sitting up on his knees and sweeping his hair to the side.

"I came in here with it off," he mumbled in reply, stretching.

Sam blushed at the sight of the other's body, not used to sharing a bed with anyone; let alone another boy.

Colby seemed to notice Sam's facial color change, because he bit his lip and covered his chest with his arms.

"Thanks for letting me sleep here," he said gratefully, eyes boring into the mattress and only stealing small peeks at the other boy, "even if you stole the blankets."

Sam's face went even redder and he kicked Colby's thigh gently, leaving the other boy to shout out a 'woah' before there was a thump and a low chuckle.

"It's my bed, asshole," Sam stated, trying not to allow himself to smile in the moment.

He shook his head and got up, watching as Colby stood up and stretched once more, rubbing the back of his neck as he left the room, quietly, as not to arouse suspicions from the Golbach mother just waiting downstairs.

Sam found himself dressing immediately after the door was shut, still in a daze from his embarrassment and muddled up morning routine.

After a long day of school that seemed to defeat Sam like it always did, he trudged home and did his usual thing.

That day was particularly rough for him, as some kids at the school had been particularly ruthless to him, even pushing him into a locker before drooling out an 'it was an accident, Sammy!' right into his face.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 29, 2019 ⏰

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