Chapter 4

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"I'll be back in a few minutes, Sam. Oh, and can you sit in the back? I have so many legal sheets and I need to sit them on the seat. You know. Because someone ripped one of the most important ones."

Sam was about to argue, but stopped himself before he a sound could even escape after her additional speech. Instead, he sighed and slammed his head back into the seat, having a mental regathering session until he unbuckled the belt and climbed into the back, buckling up and folding his arms.

He may have agreed to cooperate more but that didn't mean he had to enjoy it.

His eyes wandered the building, curiously, taking in all the colors and textures on the wall, and Sam began to take note of just how close into the city this was. He saw groups of other teenagers and instinctively ducked a little in his seat--he wasn't entirely sure why he just hated seeing other teens in public.

Fear of judgement, he supposed.

Eventually, after what felt like way too long in a hot car, his mother emerged from the door, waving goodbye to a well-presented lady in a rather tight-fit dress. He then watched as another shape came into his view, looking awkward and out of place as the two talked, before giving the lady a brief hug.

It was then that Sam noticed how tall he was--he was only a few inches shorter than the girl wearing heels.

If he had to guess, he'd even say around his own height, carrying two bags and wheeling a small suitcase.

He tried to capture as much of this new male as he could as they stuffed bags in the trunk, noting now that he was much older than Sam assumed his new 'sibling' was going to be. In fact, he didn't even look much younger than Sam.

As the two approached the car, Sam quickly whipped his neck around and stared out the window, looking bored and blank-faced.

He heard two doors open.

He felt the seat beside him shift.

"Samuel! This is your new brother, his name is Cole. Please say hello!"

Sam kept a distant, uninterested look on his face as he stared at his mother, then bored over at Cole, not expecting his heart to race when their eyes met.

Blue eyes. Very vibrant blue eyes. Dark hair, long but not overly so. A look of fear and insecurity.

"Hi, Cole," Sam mumbled like it was the most unexciting thing he'd ever had to speak of.

He turned his head but not in enough time to miss the glance of disappointment that flashed across the other boy's face.

The dark-haired boy nodded at the other with an almost undetectable smile.

His mother watched the two with hope in her glossy eyes, but when no words were exchanged, she placed down all the stacks of papers and folders of documents in her grasp on the passenger seat beside her as she clapped her hands together and checked that invisible watch on her wrist again.

"... Alright, let's go home!"

Not much else was said as she started up the car, turned on the radio and they starting moving. Sam knew his mother could be quite the talker, so as she chatted away without even waiting for replies, he zoned out watching the trees go by.

  The drive was relatively short to his home, but around halfway, Sam felt the row of back seats shift at a constant rate. It began to piss him off, and he glared over at Colby, who was shaking ever so slightly, which was a mismatch to his face that weighed expressionless, like he was in another world entirely.

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