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Beauty and the Beast has always been my most favourite Disney film, not just because the female protagonist is well learned, but also because it is the one film where the phrase :       " beauty is not just skin deep" , is shown in the most magical sense ever.

Beauty - The waves rolling in the ocean,

                   The sun kissing the crest of snowy heights,

                    The fingers of a forgotten light shutting the lids,

                     To weave the story of a singing night.

Beastly - The storm breaks over golden fields,

                     Ripping the lands, farewell to those that were born,

                     And yet, the weeds are wasted away,

                     Just as the cloudy sky breaks to reveal a golden dawn.

Echoes and footsteps of the songs of old,

Fleetly fleeing as the pages turn,

Spinning a tapestry, nodding to a tune,

Dancing away through the night as candles burn.

Where fur meets skin does hand meet paw,

Broken are the walls and retracted the claws,

Humane and godly and lordly, but friends in the least,

Curtsying and sweeping down the balustrade,

                                             Beauty and the Beast.

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