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Okay, this fanfic is in part an answer to a friend's aggravating pleas to write one, and also to relieve my frustrations of the oblivious couple of MLB. So, this oneshot is chronologically fluid combining a few factors of Dark Cupid and Glaciator. I have to warn you that some of the POVs might seem a bit cheesy, but hey! This is MIRACULOUS LadyBug and Chat Noir!

So here's Adrien and Marinettes' point of view from a combined day of Dark Cupid and Glaciator, and continue shipping our favourite, idiotic couple of Adrienette/MariChat/LadyNoir/Ladrien. And stay MIRACULOUS!! 

Discordant notes rent the air as Adrien slammed down the keys of his piano with a vigour that surpassed Beethoven playing the Moonlight Sonata in all his dishevelled glory. His soundproofed room proved to be in his favour for once, as his father would have surely sent Natalie attend to his volatility, if he had the heard the cacophony he was raising, not that he cared much.

 And as to why the piano was suffering it's sorry fate because of the tempestuous thoughts and emotions raging through him, was a completely different story. Even with his eyes closed and fingers flying over a scale that only they can foretell, Adrien's erratic thoughts were far away. 

He could still see his poetic scrawl in the piece of paper lying crumpled in the class dustbin, feel the air flattening his fake ears as he raced against the city wind, and the  swift, graceful footsteps beside him as his lady matched his leap for leap and occasionally surging ahead to lead him forward and into the welcome unknown. 

Just as she had led his heart.

Barely out of the peripheral of his reverie, he could hear Plagg trying to simultaneously stuff his mouth with Camembert and wad his ringing ears with unlaundered socks, confusedly mixing up where which has to go.

Submerging again into his mental chaos, Adrien tried to sift through his moments with her to find any possible hint that she had dropped.

And as always, nothing. 

Sure there was the time when she...

But he was being desperate. He lifted his hands to bang down the final chords of his tumultuous piece when the sudden unmusical, unmasked silence perked him. And with Plagg around, silence was miraculous.

He saw Plagg float upwards to a fluttering piece of paper, catching the wind and gliding gently down. It was pink, and as if his heart had decided to piece itself together and come back to his body again, it drifted down with the hesitance of an unwilling bride.

"Ooh, someone's got a lurve letter", Plagg jeered as he reached up to catch it. As much as he liked Plagg, a statement of the obvious wasn't quite what he needed at this point.

Nor did he need yet another one of 'those'.

"I suppose you'll be putting that in that old shoe box, with the others. I wonder what the ladies would think if they knew that their hearts are now resting in the same place where your footwear was once stored."

"You're a fine one to talk about storing capacities, Plagg, especially when you prefer your Camembert freshly rolled in my old socks", replied Adrien, his mood slightly  elevated, but falling again at the feel of the smooth pinkness of the paper heart in his hands.

"Now that, is science. And a culinary masterpiece. Speaking of culinary skills, you should let your ladies know that this kitty loves his cheese. Then maybe they could send me little hearts of Camembert every Valentine's Day, and I, for one wouldn't mind...", Plagg droned on, oblivious to the fact that Adrien was now back fully into his mind palace again.

Valentine's Day?

Of course!!

What other better day to confess truly and fully how he felt? Well, he did try during the time Monseiur Phillipe was akumatized, and the time when...

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jun 01, 2019 ⏰

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