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Mulan was my childhood dream, the rebellion that every innocuous, misunderstood girl yearns for. She was radically enthusing, and was much more noble and royal than all the other Disney princesses and brought forth the very poignant message that women are their won, and no one else's.  This poem is from Mulan's perspective, as she rides to war, wherein she exclaims and reminisces on the sacrifices she made, not for glory or for selfish purposes, but for the ones she loved.  And to all those girls /women /ladies /princesses /queens/godesses - "Real girls are never perfect, and perfect girls are never real."


Every breath I take,

Leads me farther away from you,

Blossoming with the lilies light,

Guard my grave as I ride to doom.

Oh father dear,

I'm still your very own,

But this flower, yet to bloom,

Wilts, far away from home.

What would I give for grassy beds

And the rivers watering my childhood dreams,

Yet here I am, riding as a man,

Heart-breaking, though heroic I seem.

But my hair's tied up,

My chin's held high,

War cries are roared,

Though otherwise would I.

I'd give my life to see my home,

But father, I will have you know,

That t'was not for glory or for manly death,

But for you that your daughter rode.

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