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Many people have questioned me on my favourite book, the one thing that describes me, that inspires me to write. Despite there being several books out there, I can truly say that The Lord of the Rings has been my first and forever love, and my life in ink. 

I've tried to embody Tolkien's writing here though nothing can come close to his mastery. Bases on The Lament of Boromir , my most favoured of all the poems that the true lord of words has ever written. 

An ashen land awaits me,

Full of trials and despair,

My faltering feet stumble and fail,

When I think of trees and the sighing air.

My shoulders are burdened,

With more than just my weighing pack,

I drift through lands and sort through dreams,

For it is a beating heart that I lack.

My sword is notched, my cloak is torn,

And my ivory horn - hewn in two,

They laid my belt of golden make,

And sent me upon the rushing blue.

'Ere I drifted none can tell,

Until with moonlit shores came a hand,

And stricken heart and shimmering eyes,

Framed my brother of the living lands.

"Oh Boromir, so fair and tall,

Thy father will lose heart,

As for me, I will wipe my tears,

And do the duties in my brother's part."

For gold had me in its grip,

An eye that drew my gaze,

And now I float away to sea,

Until the end of days.

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