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Jcock: there is an angry minion in my room and im scared

Hoebi: is he talking about jimin eye-

Jimmy: can you both like choke please and thank you

Hoebi: nah choking is not a favorite

Jimmy: you weren't saying that last week 🤡

Jcock: did hoesock just say choking is not a favourite when he pretends he is choking us 24/7

Hoebi: yall stop 🗿

Jcock: so as I was saying my roomate is like an angry kitten

Jcock: idk if I should laugh or be scared

Tea: why is he angry?

Jcock: idk he is pacing around mumbling something about stupid and coward

Tea: is he okay

Jimmy: no:)

Namjohn: what happened jiminie?

Jimmy: this crusty ass sock dumped me

Jcock: jfajaksksksjsjsjj he typed that and then punched the desk

Hoebi: weren't you crying 5 seconds ago?

Jimmy: oh yeah and then you left me


Hoebi: okay let me explain

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Hoebi: okay let me explain

Jimmy: 🤗 i am not going anywhere

Hoebi: well you see i came to you to explain that i want space

Jimmy: you mean you ran away from me and then you came to talk to me cos you had no other choice

Tea: he has a point🗿

Hoebi: okay mAYbe i was avoiding you

Hoebi: i didn't know what to say

Jimmy: okay continue 🤗

Hoebi: i didn't expect you to start crying so i panicked

Jimmy: and you literally left me there:)

Tea: damn

Jcock: jfjwjdjkssjksks

Hoebi: i came bACk

Hoebi: but I saw you with a girl and I didn't want to bother you so I left

Jimmy: oh yea like the situation with dumb sock wasn't enough a girl came to me and stared at me while i was crying

Jimmy: then she started bopping my nose and i touching my eyebrows

Jimmy: and she wasn't talking

Jimmy: we were just there i was crying and she was touching my face

Tea: i want her to keep me company when im crying

Namjohn: aww she sounds adorable🤩

Jimmy: and then she gave me a lollipop and left

Jcock: what a queen

Jimmy: it was creepy

Jimmy: and then i came here and kook asked me why i looked like shit

Jcock: then he started shouting and pacing back and forth. i didn't understand what he was saying so i was just nodding

Hoebi: cool so I'll go back to sleep hope you don't mind

Jimmy: choke

Hoebi: nah i don't like the feeling i prefer doing it to someone


Jinie🌻: you scared me:( i was sleeping

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Jinie🌻: you scared me:( i was sleeping

Tea: lmao we don't care

Jinie🌻: :(

Namjohn: he doesn't mean it

Namjohn: mute this Jinie and go to sleep again

Jinie🌻: okay:(

Jcock: anyways im gonna go and try to sleep with this guy who won't stop moving

Tea: good luck baby

Jcock: 😔💜💜

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