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Nayeon: ...... me rn

Jeongyeon: ???

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Jeongyeon: ???

Jimmy: it's okay yeon😔

Jcock: we can always be clowns together🤡

Nayeon: thanks jcock

Jcock: but remember... you'll always be the biggest one🤠😔✊🤡

Nayeon: ....

Jimmy: I can't believe all the shit that happened today😔

Hoebi: same

Jeongyeon: ?????????

Namjohn: hi jeongyyy

Tea: omg I hope you feel better

Yoongi: do you still have fever?

Jeongyeon: no I feel better

Jeongyeon: but .. uh what happened?

Jcock: nayeon is being her usual self

Jeongyeon: which is?

Jcock: being a clown😔🤡

Nayeon: looK I CAN EXPLAIN

Jcock: 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡

Jeongyeon: so who is gonna explain to me?

Tea: who is gonna tell her

Jimmy: where do we start?

Jinie🌻: from this morning?

Jeongyeon: no

Jeongyeon: I wasn't there yesterday when you went to tae's to see that movie

Jimmy: I mean you didn't miss a lot there

Jinie🌻: wrONG

Jimmy: ???

Jinie🌻: so jeongy we went to tae's and we put that new horror movie

Jinie🌻: and yoongs was like,, I hate horror movies:( and hobi was like,, it's okay I'm here . and he held yoongs close

Hoebi: wait

Hoebi: this ain't about us

Hoebi: aren't we talking about nayeon being a clown?

Jinie🌻: this is ALWAYS about you. sit down

Jinie🌻: also I'll get to nayeon

Jeongyeon: omg then what

Jimmy: so you know hobi was all "don't worry baby I'm here" bullshit until the movie started

Tea: 😔✊

Jinie🌻: like literally not even fIVE minutes in and hobi was screaming his lungs out

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