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Hobi⚘: its been a week and i haven't hooked up with anyone

Hobi⚘: its weird

Hobi⚘: help

Y: .. is that a bad thing?

Hobi⚘: i- no

Hobi⚘: it feels wEIrd and guess what

Y: what?:)

Hobi⚘: im still confused

Y: with Yoongi?

Hobi⚘: ssHHssHhHHh

Hobi⚘: don't say that name here

Y: why?

Hobi⚘: its cURsEd

Hobi⚘: i hear it everyday. ALL day

Hobi⚘: "oh hoseok did you see yoongi "

Hobi⚘: 'yoongi did this omg' "i love yoongi"

Hobi⚘: "yoongi is an intellectual" "yoongi is so cute"

Hobi⚘: I never realised how much people are talking about him

Hobi⚘: im sIck and tIred

Y: uuuh

Hobi⚘: conclusion: everyone has a crush on Yoongi

Y: nah

Hobi⚘: aand omg yOU are in the school

Hobi⚘: i still cant believe it

Hobi⚘: do you have a crush on yoongi?

Y: no🗿

Hobi⚘: you must be the only one

Y: umm i don't really think so🗿

Hobi⚘: and jimin is ignoring me all week

Y: is that a good or a bad thing?

Hobi⚘: bAD thIng??

Hobi⚘: sis I'm thrIVING

Y: 🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿

Hobi⚘: quESTION

Hobi⚘: do i know you?

Y: idk do you?

Hobi⚘: answER

Y: i would rather not

Hobi⚘: why are you like this?

Hobi⚘: we can fuck now but you wont tell me who u are ugh😔

Y: is that why you want to know who i am?

Y: to become one the many people that have slept with you?

Hobi⚘: nonononoNonONo

Hobi⚘: the difference is that i love u

Hobi⚘: i don't even like half of the people I've been with

Y: so you want to know me to hook up with me but the difference is that you like me?

Hobi⚘: yeah😄

Y: this ain't it

Hobi⚘: come ooon we love each other

Y: i think i should go

Hobi⚘: wait:(

Y: bye

Hobi⚘: :(

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