Chapter eleven

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Diesel's POV

I was trying to convince my brothers to let me go to Zander's house. "Gauge their not bad, in  fact they're a lot like you....." I didn't even finish and Ford scooped my up by the collar of my shirt. "They are nothing like us! That one, Venson, gave Zander a noogie and drew attention by yelling out how ya like that? Hu how's my fist rubbing hard and fast across your head feel little bro. When he was done he grabbed him by his collar and punched him!" Ford yelled. He slapped me across the face and threw me on the floor. I was sitting there on the ground scared of what Ford was gonna do. He started walking over to me and I swear I wanted to cry. He walked up to me and picked me up throwing me back and forth between him and Chevy. After a while Ford threw me to Gauge, and he is not a nice person when you compare him to someone he doesn't like. He glared at me. "You brought this on yourself lil bro!" He said through his teeth. He punched me in the gut. And when I was down holding my stomach he grabbed me in a headlock and gave me the worst noogie ever. I was eventually crying begging for them to stop hitting me. It got so bad Jack and Dodge started crying remembering when they were in the same spot as me. I now had bruises up and down my body and a little blood coming from the cuts. After hours of them beating the shit out of me Gauge finally realized what he was doing. His eyes were like a deer in headlights, he backed away from me, looking at Dodge and Jack. Then looked back at me. "I-I d-di-did this. No I couldn't have. I promised m-myself I would never do something like this again." Gauge stuttered. He walked up to Jack and Dodge, but as he did they backed away. "Please don't hurt us we're so sorry." They said crying. He looked at the twins and they looked petrified. He walked to them and they got on their hands and knees and begged him not to hurt them. He looked like he was gonna cry. He walked up to me and sobbed. "I'm so sorry I I didn't mean to. I I will leave." Gauge told me stuttering. I didn't want to make him feel bad so I tried the best I could to say what I had to say. "P-please don't l-leave." I said very dryly.

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