Prt 5

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You obviously can't tell time, you told me be ready at 10 Erik it is 1:30" He smiles at you taking in your appearance. You were dressed pretty simple blue jeans with a tee shirt and some nikes nothing super fancy. Yet Erik stared at you like he was ready to devour you.

"You tryna look cute for my fam" You scoff rolling your eyes "I look cute all the time" you pick up Mari's seat heading for the door Erik stops you grabbing the car seat "Yeah you do" he mumbles watching your ass as you walk out the door.

The car ride was longer than you expected it to be Khamari had fallen asleep "Where the hell are we going" he rolled his eyes at your impatience "To my house" you frown "Why you always in Oakland if you live this far out" he rolls his neck in your direction.

"If you must know I work at The Outreach center" Erik turned is attention back to the road you rack your brain "The one that opened up where the apartments were" He nods in silence "Didn't like the a king purchase those? No offense but you don't look like someone who'd be around kids all day" He acts offended.

"Well my cousin wanted them to have someone they could relate too since him and most of the Wakandans lived a completely different lifestyle than them"

It actually made a lot of sense you were about to get all touchy about hoe heart warming that was when you realized you had completely skipped over the cousin thing

"Wait your cousin is the King?" he nods again "Your fucking royalty does that actually happen" Erik laughs at your disbelief "Nothing special about it I live like I always have no royal treatment" Just as Erik finished his statement he pulled up to a beautiful condo. "This is your place" he shakes his head.

"No royal treatment my ass" you say taking in the beauty. Once Erik parks you grab Mari's diaper bag and take him out of his seat carrying him in your arms this child was heavy. "I can take him " Erik says looking down at you. He made carrying your chubby child look so easy you fell behind him as he walked he reached back grabbing your hand.

"Relax everything your imagining a king to be won't be my cousin while he's here" you nod as Erik opens the door walking in. You hear shuffling and what sounds like to people shoving each other.

"Cousin I wanna see the baby lemme seeee" You stare at the beautiful young girl before a handsome man comes limping around the corner "You cheated" she laughs "He asleep so I need ya'll to chill" Erik says shaking his head.

"Y/N this is my cousin Shuri and T'Challa" you smile looking up to Erik "Should I bow" T'Challa laughs "No its not necessary" you laugh nervously looking down "She is gorgeous N'Jadaka I'll give you that" you turn your head to the side Erik caught on to your confusion.

"It's my name" you nod turning back to Shuri who bounced impatiently "can I see the baby yet?" Erik opens his mouth to say something when you stop "It's fine it's okay if he wakes up"Erik sighs handing Mari to Shuri and she swoons "I can't wait to show him to mother he's so cute" you follow them all into the living room.

Sitting and waiting on Erik's Aunt Shuri held Mari rocking him slightly it wasn't too much longer when her and T'Challa's bantering over holding him woke him up. "Look at his eyes goodness N'Jadaka who knew you could make something so beautiful" T'Challa says laughing.

"Nigga shut up" Erik was sitting next to you one arm behind you on the back of the couch the other one on the air of the chair. "Shuri, T'Challa uphi?" you look at Erik "My Aunt Ramonda" you watch the beautiful woman enter the room.

"N'Jadaka when did you return" He shrugged about thirty minutes ago "ngubani lo?(whose this) " Erik scratches his beard "About that" He stands up going and picking up Mari "Hey" Shuri and T'Challa say in unison "Lo ngunyana wam"(This is My son)

Ramonda stares at Erik then to the child "Ingaba uqinisekile?"(Are you sure) Erik nods you sit confused but enchanted by the language "You had a child with my nephew" you straighten up.

"Yes ma'am" she walks over to you taking Erik's seat "Was this planned" you gulp shaking your head "And you're not just saying this child is his because of who he is" you try to hide the offended look on your face but seem to fail.

"I mean no harm kind of a mom thing you'll understand" you sigh "I didn't know anything about him when it happened so I can assure you that's not the case" Ramonda looks towards Erik who was trying to stop Mari from pulling his dreads "mlethe apha"(Bring him here)

Erik's feet move immediately leaning down and handing Mari to Ramonda she smiles as Mari gnawls on his hands. You smile watching the exchange, you were expecting more of a sweat but everyone took you and Mari in so naturally. "We probably shouldn't get too attached until you read the test results huh" T'Challa says crawling on the floor with Mari.

"What test" you ask looking up at Erik he shrugs "What are you talking about Challa?" T'Challa tilts his head pointing towards the kitchen "DNA results they're on the table in the kitchen" you look back to Erik

"Can I talk to you somewhere private" You stand up walking to the kitchen Erik closes the door behind the two of you. You walk over to the table staring at the envelope on the table. Crossing your arms over your chest.

"I've offered you a DNA test four times Erik four times why ain't you just do then, why you have to be shiesty" Erik looks at you "I ain't do this" you roll your eyes not believing him "Khamari ain't swab his own mouth" you suck your teeth "Well go ahead and look at it"

Erik shakes his head and you stand up grabbing the envelope ripping it open "99.999" you say sliding it over to him walking away. "I told you I ain't get down like that I count all the niggas I've dealt with and none of them have ever fucked me raw, I fucked up when I let you do that"

Erik just stared at you while you vented "Listening to stupid niggas like Kel ain't gone get us nowhere" you sigh you weren't upset about the test itself had it been the other way around you would of definitely gotten one right away you more so hurt about the secrecy you felt a bit betrayed but you were happy that it was known.

Erik was definitely Khamari father no denying it. "You done" Erik asked you roll your eyes "I ain't put in for a DNA test alright" You sigh

"We have to deal with each for the rest of our lives I can deal without the lying" he stops "I ain't gotta lie to you about shit" you're taken aback at first silence falls over the room "So how do you wanna do this Prince N'Jadaka" he looks confused.

"You want weekends, days, nights, joint custody" he shakes his head "I'm not tryna take him from you I just wanna be present" Erik walks over to you "My moms and pops had a good relationship some shit went down that I wish didn't but I ended up alone and I don't want that for him"

You noticed Erik wouldn't make eye contact as he spoke "I want him to feel the same way I felt about my dad about me" you turn Erik to look at you "I'm sure he will" he grabs your hand pressing his body closer to yours the two of you stare at each other until Erik leans down to kiss you "I see the test results came back" you lean over to see Nijah you roll your eyes.

Here. this. bitch.go. again.

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