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Claudius and Caesar Show

The two hosts watched eagerly as the three tributes each ripped the darts out of their chests, but the serums had already been injected.

"What is that they were just shot with? What did those creative Gamemakers come up with now?" Claudius asked crazily, leaning towards the screen.

"I believe, if my intellect is correct, that the Gamemakers engineered a special fear serum to inject in the final contestants to give this Games an even more special twist. These three tributes are the toughest of the toughest. The tributes that they've fought have all had alien-level strength or skills, and these three have risen to the top of this Hunger Games food chain. With the help of this serum and their injected trackers, we all will be able to see their greatest fears displayed, and then we will see how they will manage to fight under the distraught state they'll come back from their nightmares in." Caesar explained.

"What do you mean?" Claudius asked.

"The serum will force the tributes into a separate state of mind -- a sleeping state, if you will. They will think they have been transported to a different place. They will not see the arena -- instead, their minds will be put directly into their worst nightmares. Then they will wake back up and have to fight to the death." Caesar happily elaborated.

"Wow. These Gamemakers keep coming up with better and better ideas each year." Claudius marveled. They both turned their attention back towards the screen.

Killmonger was the first to fall to his knees, and then to all fours. Peter Parker keeled directly forward onto on the ground, and started to twitch. Kylo Ren slowly crumpled beneath himself.

And the audience watched as their nightmares began.

Kylo Ren's Nightmare

I opened my eyes and was looking directly at Rey. "What happened?! Where am I at?" I asked, looking around. Everything was completely black except for her. She was staring at me hatefully.

"You're a failure, Kylo. A failure." She looked me up and down, disgust clear on her features.

"What?" I asked, totally confused, although her words had made my heart slightly falter.

And then Snoke appeared right beside her. "You were never a worthy apprentice. You were so weak and pathetic."

I frowned in confusion, but continued to feel a strange sort of disappointment in myself in my chest. No, not strange -- familiar.

Hux popped to Rey's left and said in his snide voice, "You let down the entire First Order, Ren. We were all watching you. All counting on you. But your pathetic foolishness lead to the Resistance's escape. You have failed us."

"You failed me." Snoke commented.

"You failed me, Kylo, when your small little mind was clouded with the dark side. You were incapable of change." Rey added.

Then Luke appeared. "I might have failed you at one point, but only because you failed me far before. You knew the dark side would provide you nothing, but you so easily went to them. You're weak."

"You're weak." Snoke repeated.

"You're so, so weak." Rey copied.

"You're weak." Hux finished.

And then Leia popped up by my right side. "I can't believe you killed your father, Kylo. My husband. Are you really that vile? That much of a monster? Who are you?"

Han appeared to my left. "Kid, I offered to help you. I gave you a way out. But you were stupid, selfish, and weak. Who are you?"

"You are weak. You are weak. You are weak. You are weak. You are a failure. You are stupid. You are pathetic. You are . . ." The crowd of everyone I had ever loved, looked up to, or was in debt to chanted, looking directly at me with different levels of hatred and revulsion on their faces.

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