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"The philosophy of Ayn Rand was pretty groundbreaking. Most philosophies pull from ancient Greek ideaologies and teachings. We have our Freud, Neitzsche, even our Marx - regardless of your personal opinion on Marx-" Ms. Hadley chuckled.
"The philosophy of objectivism is unique and modern. Ayn Rand introduced this idea near the start of women's movement with her publication of The Fountainhead and although the philosphy isn't specific to women, her being fully credited with this ideaology is a small victory in itself. Does anybody know why?"

I raised my hand and she smiled.
"Yes, Tj?"

"A respected and, uh, groundbreaking philosophy such as objectivism probably never would have been fully credited to a woman in the past," I said.

"Exactly! You're a reader. Tj. Have you read The Fountainhead?"

I hesitantly nodded.

"Really? Did you like it?"

I nodded again and Ms. Hadley's smile somehow grew even wider.

Will flicked the back of my head. "Nerd boy."

"Isn't that the book that was in your backpack when I threw it in the lake?" Chris asked. He sounded like he was desperately trying to hold in a laugh.
I looked at him and saw his smile.

"You still owe me 20 bucks for it, y'know?" I said.

I enjoyed The Fountainhead. Ayn Rand is a political capitalism-loving nut and I never expected to like anything from her. The Fountainhead wasn't political, though. It was very human. My little brother recommended it to me. He's basically a genius and reads a lot more than I do. As kids, reading was sometimes the only thing we had do to.

"I do teach a philosophy class at the community college so I'll try not to get too swept up in philosophical dicsussion as we learn about objectivism tomorrow. However, I-"

The ringing phone interrupted Ms. Hadley. She flashed a smile at us and stepped over the answer it.

I looked over at Cyrus sitting next to me. He's wearing a white long sleeved shirt today with a diamond on it. He looks taller in white. He's been sort of staring off since class started. I can hear him breathing.

"Cyrus, honey, they need you in the office to adjust your schedule, okay?"

Cyrus stared at her for a second.

"Tj can walk with you," Ms. Hadley said. "If that's okay?"

I nodded.

Cyrus slowly stood from his chair, leaning on his desk as if he was struggling to stand. He looked weak.

"Do you need a nurse?" I whispered.

"No, god. You don't need to come."

I resisted the urge to roll my eyes at him.

"Hadley doesn't let anyone go to the office without an escort," I said.

"Whatever," Cyrus replied. "You want to hold my hand too, escort?"

Will laughed. Idiot.

Cyrus and I started walking to the door as Hadley continued the lesson. I would've preferred to stay for this lesson rather than walk Cyrus to the office.

We walked into the hallway. Cyrus walked very slowly. I wonder if he's sick.

"Are you sure you're okay?" I asked.

"Stop talking to me, Kippen."

He makes it hard to be nice to him.

A few seconds later he stopped walking. He stared at the floor almost completely frozen.

"Are you having an absence seizure?" I asked.

"If I was, I wouldn't be able to answer that question anyway," he says quietly.

My mother had absence seizures sometimes. They looked just like that.

"You won't make it down the stairs, dude. The second nurse's office is up here. You can call your parents."


"So you don't pass out, get a brain injury, and die."

"Don't threaten me with a good time," he says.
Just a minute later he starts walking again, as if the prospect of falling over genuinely tempted him.

"You're an idiot," I said as we approach the stairs.
I grabbed his arm and he pulled away.

"I hate this school. I just want to go back to the house," he said.

Who calls their home "the house"?

"Then call your parents at the nurse, okay? Before you wind up in the hospital instead."

He makes direct eye contact with me for the second time ever, but only for a second.
"Tell me where it is and go back to class."

"You go down that hallway," I pointed to our right. "And take a left and it's like three doors down. It has the big cross on it, of course."

"As if school nurses save lives," he said.

I can already tell that Cyrus is cynical as hell.

He stepped away from the stairs and started walking in the right direction. I followed behind him although I feel I should be closer in case he falls over or something. It's clear he doesn't want my help, though.

"Go to class," he said as we walked.

"If you die in the halls while I'm in class I might get in trouble."

"Shut up, please. Just don't follow me in."

"I didn't plan to."

He continued walking slowly, turning left. He was walked like his entire body hurt a little or something.

Finally he stepped into the nurse's office and I heard Nurse Malley's voice.
"Hey, sweetiepie. What's going on?"

I turned and walked back to class.
I wonder if any girls have some kind of crush on Cyrus already. He's mysterious, reserved, and very rude. A lot of girls swoon over the "asshole" thing.

I hope he's okay.

Realizing this was published 4 years ago makes me feel crazy.

✯ 𝚌𝚒𝚝𝚛𝚞𝚜 𝚏𝚛𝚒𝚎𝚗𝚍 (𝚝𝚢𝚛𝚞𝚜) ✯Where stories live. Discover now