Chapter 1

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Luna woke up from falling of her high twin size bed in her dorm room of Winthrop college. She moan a bit from her pain but it was nothing she felt before. After a minute of laying on the floor she started to move to where she was siting and looked around. The main colors in her room was teal and white, although her mother was against the teal being in the room.

She sigh as she though about what her mother wanted her to be. 'A model or a damn doctor.' Her mother was controlling of her and her two little siblings who were in their final year of high school then they can move out to the colleges they got into. Luna grabbed onto her phone as she was still sitting on the floor of her dorm room. Looking at her phone she was a text from her boyfriend of two years texted her

Koda:Hey Luna do you want to come over to my parents place while their gone for the weekend. They don't need to know.

Luna looked at the text for a moment or two but the last sentence got her attention. 'They don't need to know' she always felt weird when people say that to her no matter what the circumstances were. In this case it was the same, but she texted him back with a response that was different then the one she was hoping to type.

Luna: Yea, I love to spend the weekend with you instead of the boring asses here. What time u picking me up

Koda: maybe in 30 mins if that's alright.

Luna:sure see you then

The girl looked at her phone in shock at the fact she agreed to it and even called the people at her college asses. She is one of the nicest kids at their school which is a bit surprising to herself on that fact. She took a deep breath and started to stand up know she need to pack a bag of clothes for the weekend that was to come

***time skip to cabin***

Luna and Koda pulled up into the driveway of the cabin about 30 minutes from their campus. As Luna looked up all she could was stare at it in awe. The cabin was amazing, it was as if it can out of a history book itself and just been put in the wood. Although it was easily seen that there was worked on it really didn't matter in the girls eyes.

"Come on Lu, lets get your stuff inside because I have something plan for us to do." Koda spoked to her in a soft tone causing Luna break out of the small trance she was in. Shaking her head she stepped out of the car moving to the trunk, but before she got their beaten her to it taking out her things.

"Koda, you don't need to do that. I can handle that fine." Her boyfriend looked at her and shook his head. "No I want to do this. After all I want to start treating you more like a queen for now on." Luna was bit surprised at what he had said to her 'Queen? He has never said anything like that. Hell even after I brought up that I've been told that he was a fuck boy.'

Luna let it pass by after a moment of thinking about what had been just said but she just nodded her head and moved to towards the front door. She started feeling that she was being watched from the woods that is around the cabin. Looking to where she thinks the person or creature is at she saw nothing. "Luna come on inside. As said I have something I have plan for us and I don't want it to wait any longer then it needs to be." She heard Koda's voice with a little annoyance in it. "Al..alright sorry, I thought I saw in the woods. Sorry." Koda let out a sigh. "Just hurry the fuck up girl." Luna sigh and started to walk inside again 'what happened to treating me as a queen.'

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