Chapter 2

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See the female sense his presence made him feel that she was the one he was trying to find for years. The only problem is that male with her. With him being around his future mate is something he will not stand by and let happen, but he would have to wait and see what happens. Turning his bio mask to thermal vision he watched as the male with her talking to her in a way that easily make her. As he was watching he wanted to go down and rip the male oomen's head of his body but he held back for now.

After a while of the two oomen's talking the male pinned his female against one of the walls. One of his hands holding the females above her head causing her to fight him, but she would break free. The male stated to strip to of her close which was easily seen that she didn't want. "That little cjit will pay" he thought. With a quick single movement he leaped from his branch and got close to the cabin. Kicking down the door he saw both his future mate looking at him with both fear and hope. While the male was outraged but there was also fear in his eyes.

A low growl escaped the intruder's mouth. "What the hell are you!" The oomen asked that was still holding the female to the was. With out saying a word the animal like creature ran at the oomen pinning him to the floor. He looked back to see that his future mate was siting on the ground looking at him with fear but also interest. The animal creature nodded his head to her and in response she gives him a small smile. The stonger creature turned his attanction back to the oomen under him. He started to move one of his strong hands to the back of the oomens neck clasping it down.

"LU, HELP!" The creature turned back to the female who had a blink face. "I'm... im not lu, it's Luna, and why should I help you?" With that the other oomen began to scream. "YOU SON OF BITCH! IVE DONE EVERYTHING FOR YOU AND THIS IS HOW YOU REPAY ME!" That was the last straw for the creature. He looked back at the female and spoke in a rough voice. "Close eyes, ears." The creatures English wasn't great but the female understood and did what she was told. Know that she did what he had asked her to do made him sure he picked the right mate. Turning his attention back to the other oomen his hand clasped tighter and began to pull upwards. The male's screams filled the cabin but it didn't last long. Soon his head and neck disconnect with his body causing it to fall limp.

Taking the head in his hands he walked up to the female who was cringing and trying not to cry form the screaming. Bending down he put the heading between then in his hands as if offering her the head. "Open, for you." She did as he said. As soon as her eyes fell on the head she put a hand over her mouth. "Th...thank you. Thank you for the help. Luna. What's your name?" Luna asked the male in front of her. He got put but put the head down first. "Dagabad, am Yautja. lou-dte kale follow." Luna nodded and began to head towards the front door. She looked back to see him picking up the skull of her now ex. Dagabad walked up to her and squat down so she would get on his back. With that he jumps in the forest heading towards his ship.

(So so sorry for the long ass wait guys but between me and my cousin having school it's stressful as fuck. I promise there will be another chapter this coming weekend. If there isn't yell at me in the comments. Hope you all enjoy. Peace out guys.)

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