Chaper 3

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Luna was holding onto Dagabad's neck for kinda dear life. She has no clue on what's going on or how thing escalated fast to where her ex's head is being held by the creature that saved her. After about 5 minuets of silence in the forest she finally gets enough courage to ask him something.

"Why...why did you help me?" Her voice didn't come out more then a whisper. A purr came from Dagabad when she asked. Dagabad stopped for a moment fully think on what words he wants to tell her. He took a small breath and spoke. "Your lou-dte kale" luna though for a moment. Considering that he called her the same thing twice was getting her a bit curious on his culture and language. This prompted her to ask an other question.

"What does that mean?" She spoke softly. "Mate" Dagabad simple responded. With that he resumes moving towards his ship. After a few minutes he could fell Luna's soft breath on the side of this neck, and her not holding onto him as tightly as before. Him knowing that she had fallen off to asleep on the way to ship had him moving faster so she could be laying on a soft bed.

Reaching his ship he steps inside and heads towards his room so his soon to be mate could rest easily. After making sure she was fine and good he headed towards his trophy room on his ship so he could work on the head of the male oomen.

~around the time Luna wakes up~

Luna sat in the strange room looking around. On one was there was different types of weapons, helmets and armor. Yet surprisingly the female did find this scary but interesting. 'So they may have different rankings in his culture. He seems high up and well respected with all this he has.' Luna thought to herself.

With that the male that help her in a way walked in with one of his hands behind his back. He didn't have his mask on so Luna could see his full face. His skin was yellow with hints of black, long dreads, and the part that he noticed first was that he was fit.

The male walked up to where she was siting on the bed and melt down onto one knee. He moved the hand that was behind his back to show her what was in it. It was the skull of her ex, completely polished and cleaned of any blood or flesh. "Gift for you, lou-dte kale."

"Thank you Dagabad." Luna said, slightly nervous. The yautia in front of her simply nodded, placed the head down next to her and placed his right hand that was made into a fist in front of his chest. Luna take this as a 'your welcome' thinking he probably doesn't know how to say it in her language.

"You'r welcome, Lou-dte kale." He rose and cupped her cheeks with his hands. Really if he wanted to he could snap her neck but she could tell he wouldn't do that. With out a warning Dagabad kissed her, but pulled was fast and looked at the floor a bit ashamed."Am sorry." Luna doesn't even know what just happened considering it happened fast.

She nodded her head taking the quick apology. "It's... it's ok." With out work Dagabad nodded. "Going hunting. Not safe outside." Luna nodded and watch the male disappear in front of her and saw the door close. 'What just happened?'

(Sorry for the long ass wait guys! A lot of crap has been happening so yea. The picture up top is of course our lovely yautia Dagabad. I'll show a picture of Luna in the next chapter. Good night/morning guys! Lily out~)

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