Lance Loses his Voice - Klance

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(Lance's P.O.V)

I walked into the living room with the sketch book and pen in my hands. "Why do you have those things?", Hunk, my best friend, asked. I opened my sketch book and wrote down 'Sick, can't talk'. Hunk nodded in response. I then flipped to the next page and wrote 'Hunk Im hungry please feed me!'. I watched as Hunk read it. "Awe alright dude", Hunk said. He then walked into the kitchen leaving me alone in the living room. Well alone only for a little while. Soon Keith walked in. I blushed as I saw his sleepy eyes and ruffled mullet hair. "Morning Lance", he said tiredly. He turned to me a little confused when I didn't answer back. I pulled out my sketch book and wrote the same thing I wrote for Hunk. "Your sick?", Keith asked. I nodded. "So you lost your voice", Keith asked. I nodded again. Keith opened his mouth to ask another question, but was cut off by Hunk walking back in with a tray of very good looking foods. "Alright Lance! I made you some soup, lemon water, and some pancakes along with some tea. It might seem like a lot but I think it helps with sickness", Hunk explained. 'Thanks Hunk! You are really a life saver!', I wrote out. Hunk smiled as he read. "No problem buddy. Anyways I am going to my job! Later roommates!", Hunk exclaimed. Me and Keith waved goodbye as Hunk left the apartment we all shared. Once the door closed I started digging into my meal. "How did you even get sick?", Keith asked me. I grumbled a little. Can't he just let me eat my food in peace? 'I think someone at work coughed on me or something like that', I wrote out. Keith nodded, and for the rest of the time he would watch me eat. Over all it made my face heat up since a hot dude was watching me. Suddenly Keith reached over and grabbed my sketch book that I was writing in. I made grabby hands for it, but Keith was able to keep it out of my reach even though I am taller then him. When I got it back, it was a bunch of lines and dashes. I titled my head a little. 'Is this an insult?', I thought. Before I could write down my question Keith got up from the couch. "See you later Lance, my shift is starting soon", Keith said. He then ruffled my hair which made my face heat up even more. Once he left, I started to wonder what he wrote down. I shrugged my shoulders. I'll ask him when he gets home. And with that I turned on the T.V and started watching Supernatural. 

(Keith's P.O.V)

My face was hot as I drove to my job. The small lines and dashes where actually Korean writing, and translated it meant "I love you". Keith blushed at the thought of Lance figuring out what it meant. But something at the back of his mind hoped that he would.

Hello there people! There will be a part two about this one shot! Also I didn't know if it was Korean or something else written on the comic strip up above so I just went with Korean. So yeah! Chow~

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