The Heist - Klance

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(Lance's P.O.V)

I silently walked into the bank. My ear piece was in place and my gun was hidden inside my signature jacket. "Be careful Lance, the police are now more aware of how we do these things", I heard Pidge say through his ear piece. I had to hold back a smirk as he walked. The police were stupid anyways. "Is Keith outside?", I asked. "Yeah of course and Hunk and Shiro our positioned in place with the smoke bombs. You got your goggles?", Pidge asked me. "Yep, now you ready to watch the show?", I asked her. I could almost hear her smile. "Hell yeah my gay son", she snapped. I then turned my attention towards Shiro and Hunk, who where standing on two sides of this giant futures bank. I then turned my attention back at the mission on hand. "Hello sir! How may I help you today?", the chirpy desk lady of the bank asked. I looked at her name tag. "Hello... Allura I just want to make a quick deposit", I said. She nodded. "Do you have a holding system in our bank?", she asked. Before I answered I pretended to start coughing. Very violently actually. "Oh my sir! Are you okay?", Allura rushed out in confusion and a little bit of panic. Out of the corner of my eye I winked towards Shiro. I watched him nod, and he nodded towards Hunk. Before anyone else in the room had time to react, smoke filled the air. I jumped over Allura who was looking around in confusion. Luckily for me the smoke covered me quite well so all she felt was a quick gust of wind. "Alright nerd, where do I go now?", I spoke into my ear piece. "Alright all you need to do is make it to a computer to your left", Pidge said. I looked through the smoke and saw a very high looking tech computer the left of me. I ran over to it, but just as I was about to reach it some guards popped out from somewhere. Where? I don't actually know. I pulled my gun out and shot both of them. I heard them grunt, but I ran past them and jumped into the computer chair. "Alright now what Pidge?", I asked. "Plug in the thing I gave you before this all started", Pidge snapped. I tsked and pulled out the small black thing. I shoved it into the small slot on the side of it and suddenly on the screen appeared a downloading screen. "Okay now I am just going to get as much money out of this thing as I can. I have also already hacked down the phone power so they should't be able to call the police in at least five minutes. But that doesn't mean that there androids won't be able to be powered on", Pidge explained. "Alright! Don't worry Pidge I got this whole guarding thing", I replied. "Also when it is completely loaded I want you to grab that thing I made and get the hell out of there. Right now Hunk and Shiro are busy with getting out of the bank as well", Pidge said. "Do I always have to be the one that is left behind on these missions?", I ask. "Yes. Good luck sharpshooter", Pidge said. I heard some static after that. And then she was gone. "Great now I'm all alone in this smoke", I muttered to myself. I turned around, away from the computer, only to see the same girl that I had jumped over. Now she was also holding a gun. "Back away", she snapped at me. I could only see a little bit of her since because of the smoke. But from her tone I could tell that she meant business. I groaned and pulled my gun out and shot in her direction. I heard a groan of pain, and then a loud thump. "You still alive?", I called out. "YOU ASSHOLE", Allura shouted. Yep shes still alive. I turned back and saw that the download was now complete. I smiled and grabbed the thing slotted to the side of the computer and started making a wild dash back to the outside. But was stopped by the androids. Shit, that women Allura must have been able to power them on. I pressed a small button on my gun and it turned into a nice CZ 75. I glared at them. They glared at me. This was not going to be fun... well for them anyways.

(Keith's P.O.V)

I sat on top of my motorcycle waiting patiently for Lance. But I was also nervous for him. He liked to be put in danger sometimes. And on most of the missions he was either shot or was cut badly in some way. I felt worry for the other boy constantly. And after a small while I knew why. I really liked Lance. I then heard a loud bang coming from the door right next to me. I looked up quickly, knife already in hand, but I then saw Lance there. He had some blood droplets, but I knew it wasn't human ones since it was a gross black color. "Alright mullet lets ride!", Lance exclaimed as he hopped onto the back of my motorcycle. I nodded and started it. Soon me and Lance were blazing down the street, flying over any car that got in the way. We where almost back at the base where we would meet Shiro, Hunk, and Pidge, but the police then barreled through some cars behind us. "Aw great! Now we got the coppers after us", I heard Lance say. I looked behind me quickly to see that there where now at least ten cop cars behind us. There lights flashing. "Lance, can you snipe the drivers?", I asked. I heard him scoff. "Of course I can hottie", Lance replied. I felt my cheeks blush when he said that. I felt him turn his body over. I frowned when I felt his arm let go of my waist. But I kept driving on. I mean I don't want anything bad to happen to Lance. 

(Lance's P.O.V)

I was able to at least shoot down some cop cars since they stopped driving and swerved onto the street. "Hey Pidge! Should we take the second way back to the base?", I asked through the ear piece. "Yeah, but do it quickly. You know the second way is a little longer", Pidge said. I nodded to myself and shot another cop car, before turning back and wrapping my arms around Keith's waist. "Pidge said to take the second way back. So just gun it all the way back!", I exclaimed into Keith's ear. He nodded and pressed a button on the handle bar of the motorcycle. I gripped on tightly to his waist, ignoring the blush on my cheeks. Soon we where blasting over cars and civilians. Thats what I love about Keith's motorcycle. Its much more better then the ones that are sold since it travels faster then them. But as we where blasting our way through the city to our base, I suddenly felt a sharp pain in my back. I suddenly felt dizzy and a little light headed, but I held tightly onto Keith as we rode faster and faster towards the base. When we finally made it back to the run down building at the edge of the city Keith got off the motorcycle. But me... I just fell off. I heard Keith shouting my name, and for the group to come over here, but it was all a blur. The last thing I saw was Keith's lovely violet eyes.

~Time skip to a few days later~

(Keith's P.O.V)

Lance was shot in the back with a new bullet that we have never seen. But Pidge was able to tell that it was very strong and that Lance was lucky to have survived it. Lance was now laying on a bed that Shiro and Hunk helped set up. Our good friend Coran helped with Lance's surgery. And I gotta say that man is one hell of a doctor. He fixed Lance up real good. I am now just sitting at his bed side. Wanting him to wake up. I sigh and get up from the chair. He isn't going to wake up today. I was just about to walk out, but was stopped when I heard a gasp of breath. I whipped around to see Lance sitting up, his eyes open. I stood there, in shock. "H-hey...Do you got any food?", Lance asked. I almost slapped him when he asked that. Instead I ran towards him and pulled him into a light embrace. He hugged back gently, and before I knew it when we broke apart from the kiss, his lips where on mine. I blushed into the kiss. And by the looks of it so did he since his face was flushed a deep red. When we pulled apart we both just stared at each other. "Do you want to stop doing heist and live a normal life?", I asked quickly. "Yeah... but they probably know our faces so we mi-", I cut him off again by kissing him. Either way even if we couldn't live a normal life since we do what we do, at least we could maybe always be together. 

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