Lance's Birthday - Shklance but this is going to be really short

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(Lance's P.O.V)

I woke up with a giant sore neck. I guess I slept the wrong way last night. I crawled out of bed, only to get caught in the sheets and fall straight onto my face. I groaned as I pushed myself up. I looked back at the bed and noticed that Shiro and Keith where gone. "Great now my boyfriends have disappeared", I whispered to myself as I lifted myself off the ground. But suddenly I was engulfed in arms from behind me. I screamed in surprise only to hear laughter behind me. Once the arms let me go I turned around and saw Keith and Shiro standing there. Keith was laughing his head off while Shiro was chuckling. "Ha, ha, very funny", I snap, a pout on my face. "Awe, I'm sorry Lance, but it was just an opportunity that Keith couldn't pass up", Shiro said. I rolled my eyes, but fell back into Shiro's arms. Shiro grabbed me again while I heard Keith grumble in the background. I smiled and pulled Shiro into a kiss. When we broke apart I pried myself out of Shiro's arms and was meet with a cake Keith was holding in front of me. "Whats this?", I asked, my eyebrows furrowed together. "Its your birthday Lance", Shiro replied, walking to the front of me. Oh... I forgot it was my birthday. As if Keith was reading my mind he slapped me lightly on the forehead. "Let me guess... you forgot it was your birthday?", Keith asked me. I nodded slowly. I heard Shiro chuckle. "Well happy birthday Lance", Shiro and Keith said at the same time. I smiled at them as they started to light the candles. Once they where lit, I made a small wish and blew out the candles. Keith cheered while Shiro clapped along. "What did you wish for?", Keith asked. I rolled my eyes. Of course Keith wouldn't know the rules of making wishes. "Keith I can't tell you! If I do it won't come true", I said. "Yeah Keith~", Shiro teased. Keith glared at the both of us. He then bit into the cake. "WHAT THE HELL KEITH!", Shiro screamed. Keith laughed and pushed my cake towards me. He then started running down the hall with a livid Shiro running after him. I laughed at my two boyfriends. I looked back down at the cake and also took a bite of it, still thinking about my wish. If I told them it wouldn't come true. But luckily my big mouth didn't spill the beans. Because my wish was that we would stay together forever. 

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