Valentines day with you - Klance

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This will probably be short so I am sorry.

(Lance's P.O.V)

I nervously played with the box of chocolates behind my back. I knew this was probably really cheesy, but Keith was special to me so I wanted to surprise him with something. When I heard a small click from the front door I smiled a little. Suddenly there was a loud pop and the next thing I saw was Keith running into the living room. He was covered in pink and red glitter and following behind him where balloons. "What the fuck was that?!", he exclaimed while shaking his head to get the glitter out. I smiled. "Happy Valentines day babe!", I exclaimed as I pulled him into a kiss. When we broke apart I saw that he was angry. "Why the fuck did you do that Lance?! Now I have to clean out the glitter from the carpet!?!", Keith exclaimed in anger. I felt myself grip the chocolates behind my back a little tighter. Keith and I knew that I had some anxiety problems, but it seemed that he forgot at this moment. Suddenly I felt my breathing get harder and more like small gasps. "Lance you can't be so stupid! If you-", Keith stopped mid sentence when he realized the state I was in. He then grabbed me gently and pulled me to the couch, the chocolates I got for him now discarded on the floor. "Breath Lance... Here, listen to my heart beat", Keith whispered to me. I did as he said as he now cradled me in his arms. This has happened some times before so Keith knew what to do when it happened again. He only knew though because he stayed up all night doing research about it and watching videos. When I had finally calmed down we just stayed there. My head in his chest and his head resting on the top of mine. "Lance... I'm sorry I lost my cool. Its just that work was hard today", Keith explained to me. I just smiled. "Thanks for calming me down", I whispered. "Anytime... and Lance... I love you", Keith whispered. I smiled and snuggled into his chest. "I love you too", I whispered back. 

And then we did the frickle frackle and of course the chocolate on the ground just wanted to die then and there. 

Lance stuff Numero DosTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon