chapter 1

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Jungkook POV


I remember the time i was 6 years old, things that happened what i though were normal with everyone~~~

well i was wrong......

I just came back from school with my older brother ; i ran into the house, but my brother told me to slow down because he heard suspected something strange.


He told me to wait outside for him and he went inside the house he screamed on the top of his lungs. I got scared and ran inside and . . . . . . i saw something that i . . . . i never have expected in my life.

Blood and glass covered the floors of the kichen near a body. . . . my mom . . . and my father drunk with a broken wine glass in the corner. My brother screamed at my father and out of anger and with no fear he grabbed the bottle and stabbed my father with the glass. I still remember that time as it replys in my head. . . . . . .

Thats when my life turned upside down

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Thats when my life turned upside down. I thought things differently and realized the truth is not always beautiful.

너는 내 삶에 다시 뜬 햇빚

어린 시절 내 꿈들의 재림

You’re the sun that rose again in my life
A reincarnation of my childhood dreams


I miss my brother dearly. He is now in a Psychiatric hospital because of his mental health. He changed alot since that incident. The doctors said that he had to stay in the hospital till he starts to get strong again. At that time i wasn't allowed to see my brother. I was sent to the care homes.

It was nice but i was lonely alot. I had no one that was there by my side. It was pretty quiet. I would spend my time at the back of the care house with my sitter and she was alot like me and we became great friends. Everyday afterschool, we always spent time together.


Thats how you caused my euphoria

wonder 起 ~j.jungkookWhere stories live. Discover now