chapter 3

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<Jungkook POV>

"Did someone hurt you?"

She was shaking and i saw a tear go down her pale face.

I wiped her tear and grabbed her hands and hugged her.

"y-y-yes," she said with a shaky voice, 

"im sorry........"

I picked her up and took her to the guest room and layed her down. I continued hugging her until she fell asleep

4:34 am



I woke up and heard some harsh door knocking . . . . i mean its early morning who could be here

I looked at her and she was still sleeping so i went to open the door



A guy with a black mask on was a the door and he didn't even let me talk. Jeez people dont got manners

"Where is she?!?! Have you seen this girl?!? *points at the picture on his phone*


"I know you've probably seen her!! Where is she?!?!"

"First of all its early morning Second you have no right over any person and Third i dont even know you-

"i dont care and plus im Jackson"
He pulled down his mask

Wait hold up!!! Is he the guy that my ex cheated on me with?!? And plus why does he want..... omg i dont even know her name!

"Ok Jackson but i dont know! Come back and imma call the cops!" I yelled at him

"fine if that's how you want to go! Im gonna leave but im going to get her back no matter what!" He yelled and ran off and went on the streets.

I slammed the door and started to cry because he reminded me the time my ex and him were making out in front of me........


I turned around and saw her looking at me from the stairs. I wiped my tears fast and walked past her.


<??Girl POV>

I woke up and went down stairs and heard the door slam and i saw him crying

He walked past me and i saw all the pain with his face expressions and i hugged him from behind

<Jungkook POV>

She hugged me...

I've never felt such comfort in a long time

I hugged her back

and cried on her


"who was that?" she said worried

"its- its the guy that my ex cheated on me with...."

"oh im sorry-

"do you know him? His name is Jackson?"

<?? POV>

Wait a sec..... that guy cheated on me and abused me.....


I looked at his worried eyes
"He-he was the one that abused me an-d and- he cheated on me......"

<Jungkook POV>

Wow we have been cheated on back to back. I felt so bad for her

She started to walk away tearing up

I ran to her and turned her and hugged her really tightly


She hugged me back and hugged me again


"We have been back fired by our ex's but im here for you..... dont cry"

wonder 起 ~j.jungkookWhere stories live. Discover now