~The hut ~

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After climbing a few trees in the deadheads,I decided to look deeper in to the trees.I walk for about 5 minutes and stumble across a small hut. "What the heck is this! I take a quick glance around,And Head for the hut. I get to the door and it got this ship wheel handle I start to turn it but it won't move.Then after about 10 minutes of try it comes lose. "WOWSA! I really need to work on my gains! I walk in it not really anything special,just stacks of papers and old running shoes.theres this table in the middle of the room with a big sheet over it. "Hmmm I probably shouldn't buuuuut I can't help myself! I pull back the sheet and there I see it a mini maze! This must have taken a while to make! I wonder who hut this is? If it were me who built the mini maze I'd give up,because I'm way to lazy but that's just me.Just then I hear a noise outside the hut.I panic I jump under the table. As someone twists the door open.I hear heavy breathing,then it sounds like two or three people come in. sounds of paper woshing around. all of a sudden I feel like I'm gonna sneeze Oh no don't do it, I do it. HACHUOOOooO! "Bless you" someone says then looks under the table,its Minho.I smile and give him a don't ask why I'm here look.but obviously he doesn't get the message. "thorn what are you doing in here? "it's for runners ONLY! "Well you see I was supposed to be working in the barn then got creeped out by that guy Winston,and well instead went exploring."He just chucked and,shakes his head. "so what did you find out there today? I say. A tall,slim,blonde guy answers even if he wasn't suppose to. "we found a dead griver! He says,all proud. "ben shut it! Minho says. I stop and think then I say "whats is a griver?

Sorry this is short please comment and vote thanks!!!!

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