The Build Up

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I've decided to keep the tournaments, roughly the same with the twist of Draco being there (There's still going to be the scene where Moody turns someone into a ferret but, i'll make it a bit different)

Harry's POV:

Ever since mine and Draco's names were called out during the Champion Choosing, people have been walking up to me and him calling us "Little Cheats" and "Sneaky Rats" obviously, Draco shrugged it off, his ego being higher than the Eiffel Tower and all, but i'm just not sure, i don't appreciate being called names. Especially when i didn't do anything! If anyone, it must've been Malfoy, he never shut up about waiting to be old enough to enter the Triwizard Tournament in potions class so who does he think he is lying to my face like that in front of all those people?

I was walking past many students, they were all staring and mumbling, but no one had pulled me out or said anything to my face, that was until i walked past Pansy Parkinson.

"Potter's A Big Cheat!!" Pansy sung while laughing I stopped walking.

"What's wrong Potter, don't like it?" Pansy Mocked playfully pushing Blaise who was next to her.

"No" I replied looking at her. "I just don't appreciate being called names, Parkinson" I said with a slight annoyed tone in my voice.

"Hey! Potter" A Familiar voice shouted from a Tree.

"Oh no...Malfoy" i thought.

Draco's POV

"Crabbe and Goyle here, made a bet with my father, that we wouldn't last ten minutes in the trial" I jumped down from the tree and laughed slightly.

"He disagreed, he thought we wouldn't last five, by we, he means you I imagine" I smirked.

"I don't give a damn what your father thinks Malfoy, why should i?" He questioned.

"I just... i wanted to know what you thought of it, and how long you thought you'd last, don't get to optimistic now will you Potter, i'm going to win this anyways"My smirk disappeared and turned into a serious glare between the two of us. 

"I think your friends and father are being quite Pathetic, especially Crabbe and Goyle for placing the bet" Harry stated, turning around to leave.

"How dare he call your father pathetic Malfoy! Do something!" Pansy dared Me.

"No one calls my Father or friends Pathetic... but i don't want to do anything i'm going to regret later on" i thought.

Harry stopped again waiting for me to do something.

"Fine! if you're not going to, then i will" Pansy shouted taking out her wand readying herself to throw a spell at Harry.

"Oh no you don't missy!" A voice bellowed from across the room, it was Moody. He cast a spell upon Pansy to turn her into a ferret? And of course we all laughed, which was followed  by McGonagall coming to interrupt.

"Professor Moody! What... What are you doing?"

To which he replied with.


"I-Is that a student??!" She asked, sounding shocked.

"Well, technically its a ferret" he said, sounding as sarcastic and sassy as ever, while placing the ferret(Pansy) down Crabbe's trousers, which i can only imagine being a very... disturbing situation. Then, like always Mcgonagall had to go and ruin the fun and turn her back into... Pansy again.

"Alastor! We never use transfiguration as a punishment! and you will do well to remember it!" She said raising her voice and walking away.

(let's skip the whole scene with moody and go to the tent/dragon fighting XD)

Harry's POV

We were all in the tent, waiting to be told when we can go and battle the dragon, considering Draco and i are on the same team, one of us only has to do this, but i insisted we both do this one together. He didn't argue with me surprisingly, it seemed as if, he had something on his mind.

"Draco, i need to have a word with you" i said and gently pulled him away from the rest of the contestants.

"What is it potter?" He questioned not looking me in the eyes.

"i know we've never been ones to get along, but something is up and i know it, what's wrong Malfoy, and don't lie to me" I demanded.

He didn't respond.

"Listen Malfoy, i know this rivalry between us might seem important to you now, but why can't we just try to get along? at least till we don't need to be in the same group as each other for these tournaments?" 

"All i wanted, was for us to be friends in the beginning,  but you didn't want to accept my offer" He said tears forming in the corner of his eyes.

"I know how i said something about Weasley and Granger, and i apologise for that, but all i wanted was to become friends Harry, i know i should be apologising to Granger and Weasley, but i don't know where they are right now and i don't believe that i have enough time to go and look for them" Draco followed, carefully wiping his eyes.

He turned around to face me. His eyes were like clouds of grey smoke, but something dark was troubling them. I wasn't thinking as i brushed a lock of hair out of his face. I only realised what i had done once Malfoy was turning as red as a tomato.

"Get your filthy hands off me Potter! And not a word about this to anyone!" Malfoy said returning back to his cold shell.

"Draco..." I started but, before i could finish, Dumbledore came into the tent and told us it was time for us to complete the first task.

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