The Golden Egg

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3rd POV And Back At The Dorms

"You WHAT?" Ron shouted at Harry. Harry stared at Ron straight in his eyes.
"I thought you'd be happy for me Ron" He shouted back, tears starting to fill his eyes.
"Well why would I be happy for you when you're going to the ball with fucking Draco Malfoy for fucks sake harry, everyone hates him, he's an ass!" Ron yelled back and started to pace around the room.

"Well I don't! I love him Ron, and if you don't like that, then we can't be friends anymore!" Harry said, starting off strong then his voice slowly shaking towards the end. 
"You're supposed to accept me for who I am, it doesn't matter who I date, were friends, we have been for ages, please don't change that now" Harry sobbed, his voice cracking with ever sentence. Ron looked back at Harry but all he could do was scoff and walked out of the room leaving a sobbing Harry in the common room.

Harry's POV

I couldn't hold back my tears, my best friend since the beginning has just left me here, because of the person I love? He loves Blaise but you don't see me caring about that. My tears just kept falling and they didn't stop until I had cried myself to sleep on the couch.

In the morning

I woke up and wondered if it was just a dream what happened between me and Ron, I rubbed my eyes and went into the bathroom to wash my face. My eyes were still red and puffy.
"I guess it wasn't a dream" I sniffed. Just then, I heard the door open and saw Ron standing there, he was silent and just walked past me to brush his teeth. I took this as an opportunity to try and speak to him.

"Ron please speak to me" I quietly mumbled and he looked up at me.
"About what" Ron said, nonchalantly.
"What happened last night" I replied.
 He turned to face me. "You mean about you being in love with the one person who has always ruined our lives since the very beginning? What about it?" Ron said harshly.

I didn't know how to respond so I decided to just leave and go downstairs to the hall for breakfast, I spotted Draco across from me and smiled a bit.
"Hey Draco!" I shouted, he turned around and smiled at me, waving me over, I walked over to him faster than normal and he immediately hugged me.

"Your eyes are red and puffy what happened?" He instantly asked, students around us gasped in shock, murmurs could be heard, they were probably chatting shit.
"Oh nothing happened, it's fine" I brushed it off, but he was persistent.
"Pot-" He coughed "Harry... was it Ron or any other little shits in your house?" He was seriously concerned if anyone hurt me

I just laughed. "I was just crying because of how happy I was that you said yes silly!" I playfully punched his shoulder and he smiled, I know he didn't believe me, but it seemed like he didn't want to be too pushy about the subject considering I clearly didn't want to speak any further about it. He grabbed my hand and we went down to the hall, students around us whispering and laughing. I tried to ignore them but it still hurt that Ron was probably one of them. 

Once we entered the main hall, we went to go sit at the Slytherin table and Pansy looked at Draco shocked.
"Excuse me but what is he doing here?!" She said, getting up, obviously looking angry
"Pansy, he's my boyfriend now, if you don't like it, don't say anything" Pansy shut up and sat back down giving me side glares.

My phone pinged and as I checked it, Draco leaned over to read the message. It was Cedric telling me to go to the third floor prefect bathroom after I was finished breakfast, and make sure to bring the golden egg with me. I was slightly confused, and Draco was too, I looked over at him, a slight tinge of annoyance and jealousy was on his face. I smiled and kissed his cheek.
"Jealous?" I teased, his face went bright red.
"N-No why would I be jealous of someone like Cedric" He tried to cover up his jealousy but it didn't work I could already tell he was hella jealous but I ignored it, trying not to annoy him further.

After we both finished our food, we chatted with the other people on the table, I grabbed his hand and we both headed up to the prefects bathroom on the third floor.

After we done what Cedric said and got re-dressed, we rushed back down and Draco went to where he had to go, while I went to the hall and sat next to Hermione.
"Anything new 'Mione" I asked, she looked over at me and smiled.
"Apart from everyone speaking about your new relationship, nothing" She said and turned back to the front.
"Everyone knows?" I said out loud as McGonagall entered.

Sorry for the short update, and I'm really sorry that I didn't update this for six months, I completely forgot about it, but part four is out now! If you read this, thank you, and next update will be after I update my Jimin X Reader story! :)x

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