Day Of The Yule Ball!!

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Harry's POV

After some running around, bonding, eating delicious food, and laughing, all six of us started to make our way back to the castle, we decided to walk back, from diagon alley, courtesy of Draco's... weird mind.

"So" Hermione started.
"Did you all have fun?" She continued. Gosh I love Hermione, she's such a great friend, always looking out for everyone who she cares about. I looked over at Draco who looked the happiest he's ever been.

"Duh! I got to hang out with Harry and , I bonded with you two" He gestures to Hermione and Ron smiling, showing his sot side.
"Wow, you do have a sot, cute side then huh?" Blaise teased Draco, earing a glare rom Draco, even though he was enjoying his time out with us, he is still a savage lil bitch.

My savage lil bitch can I say.

"Is everyone excited for the ball tomorrow then?" I asked, in an attempt to break the tension. Everyone just nodded and continued to walk back to the school grounds.
I decided to stay quiet, in case I said something that would piss everyone off, seeing as I do that a lot. Even though I may be the "Chosen one" Or "The Boy Who Survived The Death Curse" I do a lot of dumb and stupid stuff.

After they got back to the school grounds, I'm lazy :)

Draco's POV

After we all got back to the grounds, it was already late, so I gave Harry a little kiss on the cheek, waved goodbye to Hermione and Ron and went down to the Slytherin common rooms with Pansy and Blaise.
"Soooo.. You really like Harry huh?" Blaise suggested nudging Draco slightly.
"Nah" I replied.
"I'm dating him cause I hate his guts" I replied, sounding deadly serious.

"What?" Blaise said, oblivious to my sarcasm.
"Oh my god, you really are fucking dumb" Pansy laughed, slapping her thigh.
"Pans, please stop, your laugh reminds me of a bird screeching" I replied, making her stop and look upset, of course she wasn't really upset, she always does this when I insult her.
"You're not nice, meanie" Pansy pouted.
"Boo" I laughed.

We reached the common room, and we walked in like normal, sat down on the couch planted there, and just started talking about whatever.
After a while of talking about random stuff, someone came in, and gave me a letter.
"Who's this from?" I questioned.
"No clue, it just said your name on the from, and it was left in front of the common room door, how did you miss it?" The random person said.
"Oh okay, cheers, you can get away now" I replied coldly. I don't like strangers.
 The person nodded and walked out of the room.

I opened up the letter and started to read it, disgust slowly creeping its way on my face.
"What does it say?" Pansy asked, I handed her the letter and she read it out loud.

"Dear My Son,
Recently, It has come to my knowledge that you have been fraternising with Mr.Potter, and Miss.Granger, I have told you on many occasions that you should not talk to them, because they are from a lower class. You not only talk to Potter, you are dating him?! I've told you I will not tolerate Gays and neither will your mother, whether she likes it or not. When you come back home, you will not be allowed back in, unless you dump that disgusting boy.

Not only is he a horrid boy, he is also the enemy of our lord, and when the time comes my son, you will serve the dark lord too, you will not be able to fight it, and if you disagree, I will make sure the Potter boy is tortured severely before he is graced with the death he deserves

-Your Father" Pansy Recited.

"Oh Draco, I'm so sorry, what are you going to do" Pansy asked, putting a comforting hand on my shoulder.
"What do you think Pans?" I snapped back not looking up at her.
"You're not going to do what he says are you Draco?" Blaise piped up.
 I looked up at him with a confused look on my face.

"No what are you, fucking dumb? I like him, and I don't give up what I like, I keep it" I said, getting up and going to my room. Blaise following behind me.
"So are you going to tell him about this?" Blaise holds up the letter, and I cast a spell towards it, sending it up in flames, causing Blaise to jump.
"Tell him about what?" I said, nonchalantly, laying down in my bed pretending to be asleep. Blaise just tutted and left the room, leaving me to think things over.

Harry's POV.

I woke up, feeling extremely excited for the ball this evening. But, what was I going to do before hand? I shrugged and got out of bed to get dressed and brush my teeth.
"OH I know what I'll do!" I thought, going into the bathroom to brush my teeth after putting on some casual clothing. After I was finished brushing my teeth, Ron came into the bathroom with a smile on his face.
"Why do you look so giddy?" I asked, internally smiling at how happy he looked.
"I Had a good dream is all" He replied grabbing his toothbrush, and he started to brush his teeth. I nodded putting my toothbrush back and going out of the room to go and find something I got a little while ago.

"Whatcha looking for?" Ron said walking back into the room.
"Something... I got for Draco" I said rummaging through my drawers for the little charm.
"Haven't you only been dating for like, three days?" Ron questioned.
"A week-ish but so what, its not a big grand surprise" I replied, chuckling.
"What is it then?" He came up behind me and looked over my shoulder.

I continued to dig around, ignoring his question, I started to get a bit frustrated until I felt the packaging and my eyes lit up as I grabbed the little packaging and held it up in the air, turning around to face Ron, showing it to him. He squinted his eyes and when he made out what it was he smiled a little.
"AwWwW That's cute!" He chuckled patting my shoulder.

(This is what it is, but in charm form instead of necklace:)! )

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(This is what it is, but in charm form instead of necklace:)! )

"I hope he likes it, I'm going to give it to him at the ball later tonight" I said, mainly speaking to myself but oh well. Ron chuckled and walked out leaving me in the room on my own.

"Oh shit I almost forgot, I need to go find Draco to ask him out on a proper date" I said to myself, having a bit of a panic, sorting my hair out in the mirror and leaving to go find Draco...

HeHeHeHe i'M SuCh a TeAsEe :))
I'm sorry I didn't get to the Ball yet, I just wanted to do a little chapter filler, and let Draco and harry go on a proper date before the ball, so I needed a build up for that, the Ball will be next chapter though, I promiseeeeeeeeeee :))

Alsooooo, I'm sorry about the slightly late update (Slightly *Cough* 1Hour+ late *Cough* ) I had to go down town last minuet to get a costume for Halloween Lol, even though its today, I'm still going to go out, I didn't get a wig for nothing XD

Love you guys xxx:))  

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