The Date

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Draco's POV:

I was just pacing around outside wondering what i could do today before the ball, when i saw a pair of hands cover my eyes and heard a whisper in my ear.
"Guess who" the mysterious voice said, so clear to me about who it was, but i decided to play along.

"Hmmmm, Blaise?" i replied trying to look as serious as i can, then i felt him spin me around and remove his hands from my eyes. All his eyes said was "Really" i just busted out into laughter and slapped his shoulder gently.

"I'm just kidding i knew it was you, you're too obvious" he smiled after i stopped laughing and pushed me gently.

"I have something for you" he turned around and pulled a little box out of his pocket. I chuckled. "Oh Harry, its a bit early for a proposal isn't it?" I smirked.
"Oh shut up you its not a ring, yet" I blushed at the way he said yet, then shook my head mentally.
"When did you get so confident then 'ey mister?" I lifted my head up a bit, when he didn't respond and just started to stare into my eyes i knew he was being serious.

Harry's POV:

"Draco..." I started, staring into his eyes fondly.
"It's only been about a couple days or something since we've been together i know, but you don't know how long I've waited to tell you i like you and ask you to be my boyfriend, I've waited so long, since the first time we met, since when i refused to shake your hand, i was scared i was going to fuck everything up so i had to learn to distance myself and act cold towards you, i pretended i didn't want to be friends with you when in fact it was more than anything i could ever want"I started to tear up after i said the last word, causing Draco's beautifully sharp features to go soft and his eyes shimmer while looking into my eyes.

"W-what are you trying to say Harry?" Draco answered hesitantly.
"I'm just saying i got you something, in case you ever change your mind about us, i want you to keep this, even if you grow to hate me for real" I opened up the box and pulled out the charm presenting it in front of him.

"I-i..." Draco stuttered, eyes watering and bottom lip quivering slightly.
"Oh no, please don't tell me that you don't like it cause i can send it back and get you something that you like i'm so..." I started but got interrupted by Draco grabbing my face and kissing me, obviously to shut up my rambling, but i melted into the kiss, it was slow and romantic, it lasted for about Ten seconds before he pulled away, making sure he didn't get too carried away and take it too far, i immediately looked down at the ground, blushing like crazy and fiddled with my hands.

"Harry" Draco started, putting his finger under my chin making me look up at him and not the ground.
"I love it, more than anything I've ever gotten, i will treasure it forever, and don't worry your pretty little head, i can never hate you, and i will never, ever in a million years, change my mind about us, even if my father is against it. I don't care what he says, my mother loves me for who i am and who i love, and that's all i need. You're all i ever wanted" Draco explained. making me tear up again and pull him into a hug, sobbing like a little baby.

"I love you" I mumbled into his chest. Draco started to chuckle as he heard me.
"I love you too you little idiot" I smiled and pulled away wiping my eyes.

"Now, the other thing i came here to ask you." I started.
Draco raised his eyebrow.
"Would you maybe want to go on a date with me today, like a proper one, just you and me before the ball and everything?" I said, fiddling with my hands again. Draco smiled wider.
"Yes, of course i would. i thought you'd never ask." He said making me jump up in happiness, then stare at him realising how stupid i just looked, but he just chuckled.

"What did you have in mind?" He asked me. I didn't say anything, i just took him by the hand and ran down the path and out of the gate to a field.

"Where are we going?" Draco asked while running with me.
"I left a bag with Hagrid, i wanted him to make sure that the things in it didn't go bad or get stolen, he said he left it out on this field as he knew we were going to go here" I explained.

Draco's POV:

Hagrid? A bag? A bag for what? I had loads of questions, but i just went with what Harry was doing, because he seemed so happy. Harry stopped in front of a bush.
"He said it was here" He let go of my hand and rummaged in the bush, pulling out a bag that looked like a picnic hamper. I smiled at him.

"Holy shit, you're so cute bruh" I chuckled and Harry turned around pouting at me.
"Did you just Bruh zone me" He smiled and motioned for Me to follow him to a little bench area. I followed behind him and sat down next to him, he was just smiling down at the hamper while setting everything up for us.

"What;s got you in such a babie mood today then?" I asked, gently smiling at his cuteness.
"You" He mumbled.
"What was that?" I asked, i heard him, but i just wanted him to say it so i could hear him, i knew he wouldn't but it's fun to tease.
"N-nothing" He said slightly loud, a blush creeping across his cute little face.

"Hm, sure~! I replied laughing at the cute state he was in. He sat down and just stared at me, with a fond look in his eyes.
"What?" I replied confused as to why he was staring at me.
"You're so beautiful" He mumbles, loud enough for me to hear him though.
"And you're such a cutie" I ruffled his hair.  He blushed and faced the setup in front of us, smiling at nothing in particular.

"Now lets start with the date shall we?" He said.
"mhm yes, lets" I replied smiling down at everything he's set out.

*Le Time Skip, Brought To You By Filch's Cat*

Harry's POV:

We spent hours there, just laughing and getting to know each other better, till it got a little later, and there was only four hours till the ball.
"Oh shit, we've been here for so long, we forgot the time! There's four hours till the ball Harry!" Draco said.
"Oh, shit, shall we get going then" I replied.
"Yes, i believe we shall."

I packed up everything and put it back in the bush, Hagrid will know where to find it. I looked Draco straight in the eyes, and said.
"I'll race ya back"
He chuckled
"You're on!" He replied and started running ahead of me.
"Hey! No fair you didn't warn me!" I shouted, running after him slowly catching up.
Draco started to slow down a little, and i sped up, catching up to him, until he abruptly stopped and turned around, causing me to bump into him, we tumbled down to the ground, and Draco ended up on top of me somehow, his knee in-between my legs, and hands beside my head.

"Whoops" He breathed out, lips dangerously close to mine. I could smell the mint in his breath, and the cologne on his collar. A deep blush spread across my face as Draco's eyes grazed over to my lips then back up at my eyes, then he smashed his lips onto mine, i didn't have enough time to react, as he separated his lips from mine in almost an instant. My breath had been stolen and i was breathing relatively heavily. Draco got up, and held his hand out to me, i grabbed it and when i got up, i started to dust myself off. Draco got right next to my ear and said,

"There's plenty of time for more of that later isn't there?" He patted my head and grabbed my hand interlocking his fingers with mine, to go the rest of the way back to the castle, together. My face turning more red than i thought was physically possible.

"He's such a tease" I thought to myself.

Draco's POV:

We arrived back at the castle and went our separate ways getting ready for the ball, i pulled out my Gray suit, with Dark Blue tie and put them on my bed, while getting ready for a shower.
"Tonight is going to be fun" I said, slightly smirking then getting into the shower.

Harry's POV:

When we got back to the castle, we both went back to our separate dorms getting ready for the ball, i pulled out my Dark Blue suit, with Gray tie and put them on my door, while getting ready for a shower.
"Draco's going to be a pain in the arse tonight, i can feel it, but it's going to be fun" I chuckled to myself while getting into the shower.

I've had a lot on my mind, and i know that's not a good excuse and i'm forever sorry, i'm going to try and update more frequently now, considering the Quarantine, i'm going to have more time to myself, and I've finished school till September, i have six months to do absolutely nothing but update:D.

Anyways y'all, i hope you enjoyed this part, and yeah. :3 xx

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