The First Challenge.

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(I apologise if Draco and/or Harry's characters seem a bit OOC)

Harry's POV

"So... all we need to do, is get the egg off of the dragon?" Draco sneered at Dumbledore,

"Yes Mr.Malfoy but, it isn't as easy as it looks" Dumbledore replied.

Malfoy huffed trying to act like it wouldn't be such a big deal.

After picking out our little dragons from a bag Dumbledore pulled Draco and I aside

"Good luck boys" Dumbledore said and patted by shoulder before walking away

I looked over at Draco who was already walking towards the exit into the area where the dragon supposedly was.

"Oi! Wait up Malfoy" I shouted and ran after him.

(Time skip brought to you by the, lovely Tom Marvolo Riddle)

"DRACO GRAB IT" I yelled. Draco ran up to where the egg lay and just as he was about to grab it, the dragon focused it's attention on Draco.

"SHIT!" Draco shouted and ducked behind a large rock. The dragon started pacing around slowly. I cautiously made my way over to the nest where the egg lay, and grabbed it. The dragon spotted me and I ran over to Draco, grabbing him by the collar and legging it back inside the tent not knowing what to do next.

Draco glanced over at me, looking slightly scared.

Draco's POV

I glanced over at Potter. He... kind of just saved my life... but why? He hates me after all doesn't he? Harry looked back down at the ground.

"Ugh if only I could tell him what I was truly thinking" I thought in  my head.

Just thinking about... this... makes me want to crawl up into a ball and cry. if my father found out about this he'll... I'm not sure what he'll do. use the killing curse? or another unforgivable curse on me, or Harry ?

My eyes started to tear up and before I could walk out of the tent, I caught Potter looking at me. I turn my head away.

Harry's POV

I look up from the ground to see his sad and teary eyes, it seems like there's something he's trying to hide as he looks away from me. I reach for his shoulder to comfort him but he pulls away.

"What's on his mind?"  I wonder

"Draco?" I say gently "What's wrong?"

He turns around to face me, tears streaming down his face. I've never seen him this vulnerable, I looked around to see if anyone else was in the tent, and as soon as I find out there's no one in here with us, I slowly reach for his hand, this time he doesn't pull away he just stares at me, questioningly.

"Draco! You're hand... it's freezing" I say, my voice full of concern.

"I-I've made such a stupid mistake Harry" He trembled, and his voice broke mid-sentence

He called me Harry

"Draco... What's-What's wrong??" I raise my voice slightly unintentionally.

"Everything's been so messed up lately" He says, voice breaking. I decide to let him speak instead of interrupting him.

"Ever since I met Them  my tough guy façade had kind of just... faded, but I pretend that it hasn't, so that I don't lose the respect from my other house mates, I don't know why I'm telling YOU this of all people, but just... don't question it, you're not special to me Potter! I just, need to let this out to someone, and considering Crabbe and Goyle already know, and they're not very supportive of it... and I'm a GOOD friend, I don't talk about it to them, even Pansy doesn't care" Draco stated, slightly shaking.

I put my arm around his shoulder, he flinches slightly, but then he lets me walk Him over to a little sofa in the corner of the Tent.

"W-What about your father?" I ask curiously, "Or mother, surely they should be willing to talk to you about something like this?" I continue.

Draco smirks sadly

"Silly Potter, you really can't tell who I'm talking about?" Draco chuckled.

I shook my head slowly.

"Well, I kind of have an idea but, clearly it's not who I'm thinking it is at all anyways so" I lower my head and hold back a few tears.

"Potter?" Draco said calmly, slightly smiling.

I raise my head to look into his, beautiful eyes. The grey in his eyes were as dark and melancholy as the ashes of the people he killed with that amazing smile he rarely ever showed.

"You should smile more Draco" I reply, quietly wiping the tears falling from my face.

"Do you want to know who I'm talking about Harry?" Draco Questioned.

I slowly nodded my head. And that was when Draco Lucius Malfoy, grabbed my shirt, pulled me close to him. Then, whispered in my ear,

"I'm speaking about you, you daft twat" He chuckled.

His laughter was music to my ears.

With his last words, he pulled away and gently kissed my cheek. I just sat there, stunned. Confused about what he said.

"Please tell me, it's reciprocated??" Draco said, sounding quite worried that I didn't feel the same way.

"Harry?" He said his voice hitching in his throat sounding as if he was about to tear up again. This snapped me out of my Confusion and I looked up at him, with a little smirk planted on my face.

"Of course I feel the same way Dray You idiot" I chuckle and kiss his cheek in return.

"Well in that case" Draco responded Sounding just as confident as he normally did, even though he was just about to cry again.

"Will you be my date to the Yule ball? I don't even care if the teachers don't allow it, if they kick us out, then we can just go somewhere else, to dance" He flashed Harry a cute innocent smile

"And if the other students start to talk about it, I shall deal with them"

I just looked at him, even more confused than before, surely if he really wanted to go to the Yule ball with me, and all of those other students were in there too, one of them was bound to contact his father to tell him about what is going on between us. But just as I was about to give my answer to his question, it was like he read my mind when he came out with,

"And if you're thinking about the other students finding out, and then going to contact my father, I've officially given up trying to please him, everything I do is no where nearly good enough for him. But, if you still don't want to go to the dance with me, then I completely understand" Draco looked down after he said the end of his sentence, as to which I responded by, lifting his chin up and kissing his lips softly.

"Of course I'll go the dance with you!" I said enthusiastically.

Draco's POV

"I CAN'T BELIEVE HE SAID YES! HE ACTUALLY SAID FREAKING YES!!" I was freaking out so bad in my head, I've never really felt this excited for something my entire life. 

"Maybe... now i might be able to cast my Patronus?" I shook it off as just another silly one of my thoughts,

We just stared at each other for a while in complete silence, it wasn't awkward at all, at least, it didn't feel like it was for me anyways. I broke the silence after sitting there for a few more minuets just staring into his Gorgeous Sky like eyes.

"Well, I guess it's time to go to bed now Po.." I shook my head slightly and smiled.

"Harry, Want me to walk you to your Common room as far as I can without getting caught?"

Harry retuned the smile

"Sure" He said, sounding and looking the happiest he's been in a long time.

(BTW guys! This isn't the end! I still have the Ball, Second and Last Task to do! so don't worry, I'll update ASAP!, but it might not be this week considering I go back to school tomorrow. :( Anyways, hope you've enjoyed my story so far! See ya Mwuah xx!)

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