Chapter 1

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Disclaimer: I don't own ROTG or Frozen.

Elsa always felt a little lonely. Maybe a little bit more. Okay, she was always alone. With Anna and Kristoff always together, she felt like she was alone. No one to talk to except for Olaf.

Today was no different. Everyone was out and about doing their own things. Even Olaf was out today to who knows where. Elsa was bored out of her mind. She didn't have anything at all to do.

So she decided to hit the library. She wasn't looking for anything in particular. But this one book caught Elsa's eye, mostly because it was sparkling. Almost as if it was calling out to her.

"The Big Book of Fairytale Stories?" Elsa shrugged and sat down. The table of contents was three pages long. She sighed, not having any luck finding anything. Until she found one Fairytale she's never heard of... Jack Frost?

"Jack Frost? I don't recall ever hearing about Jack Frost. Except when my parents told Anna that Jack Frost would nip at her nose..." Were her parents actually lying? Anna never got frostbite.

There wasn't much written in his chapter. Except to say that he was the Guardian of Fun. And that he joined 'The Guardians' which included Santa, the tooth fairy, Easter bunny, and the Sandman.

"Well that wasn't very descriptive. Or very long." Elsa went to put the book back in its shelf. As she slipped the book into its rightful spot, her fingers lingered a while. She couldn't help but want to look at that Jack Frost page again. She resisted her urge and pulled her hand back.

As Elsa walked back to her study, Anna came running up to her.

"Elsa! Elsa! Guess what?"

"What is it Anna?"

"I'm spending the whole day with you!" Elsa was smiling ear to ear. She couldn't wait.

"Wait today?"


"Oh." Elsa looked away at Anna's crestfallen face. She looked so happy. In an instant something like 'oh' brings down her smile.

"Elsa, you can tell me what's wrong. I'm right here for you." Elsa smiled sadly as she turned her head to face Anna.

"It's just, I had lots of letters to respond to. And I had a few complaint letters that need to be attended to immediately. How about tomorrow?"

"Oh. Tomorrow Kristoff and I were supposed to go and figure out our wedding decorations."

"Oh. We can still go and choose your wedding dress. Maybe..."

"Tomorrow morning! That's perfect! And then we can choose bridesmaids dresses!"

"Yes! That's perfect. I will see you at dinner."

"Ok." Anna hugged Elsa tight and happily walked down the halls. Elsa smiled then walked down to her study.

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