Chapter 8

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After a long day, Elsa trudged back to her room. She yawned and stretched her arms. The dimness of the hallway made her even more tired. As she was about to open her door, there was a whisper.

"Hello neighbour." Elsa turned her head to the right and saw Jack leaning nonchalantly against the doorframe of the room beside hers. She gasped and covered her mouth. She regained her composure then greeted Jack.

"Uh, hello Jack. I didn't see you there. You caught me by surprise actually. So, are you my, uh, neighbour?"

"Yep. Guess we'll be seeing each other more."

"I suppose so. I'll have to get used to your mysterious greetings though." They shared a small laugh before Jack spoke.

"What can I say? I am mysterious. Don't forget charming." He gestured to his face, winked and smiled, showing off his teeth. Elsa was thankful for the poor lighting, or else Jack would have seen her blushing like a tomato. She couldn't say Jack was wrong...

"Are you sure about charm? I think you've got mystery down though." Elsa paused before continuing. "Goodnight Jack." Elsa waited for a reply before she entered her room. All Jack could do was blink before he responded.

"Uh, goodnight Elsa." She nodded then closed the door to her bedroom.

The next day was filled with excitement and exuberance. Everyone was filled with energy. Elsa groggily got up and freshened up before heading to the main hall for a quick breakfast before starting with the clothes.

Elsa walked into the hall and was utterly surprised by the scene before her. There were maids running around everywhere, being careful every so often to not bump into each other. Other volunteers were on ladders getting the flowers and silk streamer decorations up on the ceiling. Sven and Olaf were running around doing whatever they were supposed to. It wasn't that that had surprised her. It was the fact that she found Anna at the center of this chaos. Her hair was in a large messy bun and she had a pen through it. Anna was ordering multiple maids to begin preparing the wedding hall decorations. Never in her whole life had Elsa seen Anna so stressed and distraught.

Elsa slowly approached her sister as the maids scrambled about to find their assignments. She could hear Anna's breathing becoming rapid.

"Anna?" Elsa whispered. Startled, Anna turned her head about and smiled tiredly at her sister. It looked like she had been up all night. It scared Elsa.

"H-how are you?" Elsa asked her sister. By the looks of it, it seemed that Anna wasn't faring too well.

"I'm fine. I can see your concern. Don't worry, I'll be in bed before you know it!" Hesitantly, Elsa nodded then left Anna to find her breakfast.

On a long table was a whole row of maids and servants sitting down, chatting and laughing. Elsa spotted the table filled with breakfast foods such as croissants and fruits. As she walked in the direction of the table, she found herself being directed away from it. Confused, Elsa turned her head and saw the mop of silvery white hair guiding her by her elbow to an open seat at the table.

"Morning neighbour!" Jack cheerfully greeted Elsa as he whistled a happy tune. He looked at her with his piercing electric blue eyes and gave her a warming grin. She couldn't help but look away, feeling her face heat up.

"Um, why hello Jack. I wasn't expecting you here," she said speaking fast. Although her head was turned away, she could sense Jack smirking.

"Oh, well I asked Anna if it was fine if I could eat breakfast and she gave me permission so... yeah." For some reason, Elsa felt her blood boil. Jack stopped in front of two empty seats with two plates already placed there. "Hey, are you okay? You feel a little warmer than you did just a minute ago." Elsa's eyebrows went up in alarm and she nodded.

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⏰ Last updated: May 03, 2015 ⏰

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