Chapter 7

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When Elsa had arrived with the Guardians at the Arendelle castle, they were star struck. They all studied the castle, looking at every detail. Jack flew up above the castle's gate. He sat on the wall that divided the courtyard from the outside and looked around.

"Nice view you got up here." Jack stood up and and bowed. "I am King Jack Frost! I demand all of you to eat pudding!" Elsa smiled a little while the Guardians were laughing like crazy.

"Yeah, yeah. In you're dreams mate!" Bunnymund crossed his arms and was clearly unhappy, but you could tell he was trying to suppress a smile.

"Well, Kings aren't always supposed to rule forever now are they?" North grabbed some candy that Bunnymund had given him, and threw it at Jack.

"Oh no. Aaah!" And down went King Frost. Jack tumbled backwards and there was a loud thump. Elsa covered her mouth, horrified that anyone would do such a thing.

"My goodness! He's he alright?" she asked Tooth. Tooth giggled and waved it off.

"Oh yeah. He can fly, remember?" Elsa tinged pink slightly and nodded.

"Oh. Right." Jack soared the sky and reappeared after his 'fatal and gruesome death'.

"I'm alive again! And I can be free!" As Jack said free, he did a back flip landing in mid air. "Whoo! Being alive feels awesome."

There was a moment of awkward silence as Jack descended to join the group once again.

"So," Elsa drawled, "would you like to see the inside of the castle?" The Guardians agreed and Elsa kindly walked to the wide front doors of the castle. She opened them and gestured with wide arms to the two columns of staircases. "Welcome. Anna, we have-"

"Guests," Anna yelled as she slid down the banister of the staircase. She landed with a thump on the bottom, her feet not appearing to hurt. "Oh my gosh Elsa! Where did you find these people?"

"Well, Guardians, this is my sister Anna. Anna, the Guardians. They had landed in our meadow, the one with the yellow flowers." Anna just stood there, dumbfounded by Elsa's discovery.

"Anna," Elsa said in a stern voice signalling Anna to bow. She did a quick curtsy then stood again.

"Oh hi. I'm Anna, Elsa's sister. So, you guys are joining us for lunch?" Before anyone could speak she squealed and ran to the stairs. "Kristoff! We have guests for lunch!" There was a moment of very awkward silence. Then a loud crash and thump as something came hurdling down the stairs. Tooth let out a worried whimper and clung to Jack's arm, who tried to catch a glimpse of what the thing was that came rolling down the stairs.

"Kristoff! Ohmygosh, ohmygosh, areyouokay?!?!" Anna ran to the man known now as Kristoff and aided him. He lay there at the bottom of the stairs, limp and groaning in pain.

"Anna, can we just live on the first floor," he moaned. Anna clutched her chest and began to take deep breaths.
"Oh my gosh, Kristoff! Please don't do that again!"

"Kristoff, are you alright," asked Elsa, being the good sister-in-law that she was. She kneeled beside him and checked his pulse.

"You can administer first aid?" Jack asked as he kneeled beside Elsa. Elsa nodded and stood to her feet, Jack joining her abruptly.

"Well yes. But I only got my certificate to do so about a month ago. Which means I must practise." Jack smirked and held his staff with two hands while leaning against it.

"Hmm. I see. Well, suppose I wasn't breathing. Then I guess you would have to..." Jack leaned in close to Elsa's face and pursed his lips in front of hers, eyes closed. Elsa felt a blush come to her cheeks as she smelled his minty breath, placed her index finger on his lips and pushed him away.

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