Chapter 5

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"... is an evil butt freezing wizard!!"

"Stop being so uptight Bunnymund. Can't handle a little cold?" Jack laughed and twirled his staff around in his hands. Bunnymund's face was turning red. Jack could've sworn he saw smoke coming out of his ears.

"Quit freezing my candy!"

"What? It's fun! Fun: f-u-n, fun! Lighten up EB! Enjoy it!"

"Enjoy it? Really Jack, enjoy having to defrost my candy without melting it?! Are you crazy mate?" Bunnymund's Australian accent really shined through when he was angry, especially at Jack.

"Yeah. I mean, it's not everyday that you get to... defrost candy," Jack said with a shrug. Bunnymund grunted then stomped away past North. North looked back at Bunnymund.

"What's his problem Jack?" Jack simply shrugged and jumped up onto a nearby table and paced back and forth while twirling his staff.

"So, what's up North?"

"Nothing much. Besides having to prepare for Christmas, it's boring. I hate to say it, but it was more interesting when Pitch was around." Jack nodded, totally understanding what North meant.

"Hey, how 'bout all the Guardians go in your sleigh and we have a sleigh ride around the world?" North rubbed his chin thoughtfully. After a few minutes, North broke into a grin. His happy Russian grin.

"That sounds like a good idea Jack! Gather up the Guardians!"

"You got it North!" Jack saluted to North and flew off to find Tooth, who was probably in her tooth palace.

As Jack flew into Tooth's palace, busy hummingbirds fluttered around grabbing capsules and placing teeth inside them.

"Tooth!" Tooth was flying around frantically trying to organize everything. When she saw Jack, her face lit up.

"Jack! I'm glad you're here, could ya-"

"I'd love to help you Tooth, but North wants is to meet up in his office. Gotta run!"

"Help me?" Tooth sighed and flew to North's office.


Jack returned to North's office with Bunnymund and Sandy.

"Great! Everyone's here! Let's get going!"

"Wait, what?! Where are we going?! I have eggs to make!" Bunnymund chased after North as he sat down in his sleigh.

"C'mon EB. It's just a sleigh ride!" Jack used his arms for emphasize.

"No, I am not getting on that she-devil ride!!" Jack rolled his eyes and pushed Bunnymund into the sleigh.

"Hold on tight Australian kangaroo. It's gonna be one fun ride..."


"One fun ride?! You kidding me Jack?" Jack shrugged nonchalantly and inspected the sleigh. Tooth inspected the other side of the sleigh and gave Jack the thumbs up.

"Oh, I knew I shouldn't have let Jack steer. He's Jack Frost for crying out loud!!" North paced back and forth as he talked to himself.

"Chill out North. I'm sure everything will be-"

"What in the world happened here?!" Jack stopped in mid-sentence as he laid his eyes upon the beauty that stood before him.

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