Chapter 6: Elsa's POV

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As I began reading deeper and deeper into the Jack Frost pages, I was becoming more and more intrigued. He had ice powers! Like I did! He could fly. And he loved to have fun.

His personality was... interesting. He was said to be an energetic childish teenager, who cares for children and loves his job as a Guardian. It didn't really say much besides that, but I didn't care. I somehow wanted to meet him. In real life. Maybe so that we could talk. I mean, he is a fairytale, but wouldn't it be cool to talk to a fairytale character?

There was no picture to show what he looked like. But there was a small description: hair that was white as snow, perfect pearly white teeth, pale skin colour, an icy blue eye colour, blue hoodie lightly covered in snow at the top, beige capris, and a staff.

That was all I was thinking about as I signed a few papers here and there. I couldn't get Jack Frost off my mind. It's like his story was engraved in my brain.

Just as I signed a few billion more papers, a guard knocked on my door. "Queen Elsa, there has been a reported crash nearby the meadow." My eyes widened. The meadow is so beautiful! Why would anyone crash their vehicle in the meadow?

"Alright, I'm coming." Relieved to put my pen down, I ran to the door and followed the guard outside. There in fact was a crash in the meadow.

I was seeing red. How dare someone destroy my beautiful kingdom that my people worked so hard on?! I quickly ran up to the crash, keeping my distance.

"What in the world happened here?!" I yelled in pure anger.

There was a white haired boy who just stopped and stared at me. His eyes seemed to say kindness. Like he wanted to... I don't know. But they had this sense of kindness in them. I didn't dare smile. Behind the boy on his right was a bright coloured fairy like creature, and a kangaroo with bunny ears. On his left was a small man that seemed to be surrounded by golden sand, and a tall burly man wearing a fur coat and a fur hat.

"Who are you," I questioned dangerously. The white hair boy smirked and stepped forward.

"We," he said while gesturing to each side of him, "are the Guardians. This is Tooth." He gestured to the brightly coloured fairy who waved and smiled some beautifully white teeth. "Bunnymund." A bunny?! Oh, well... he doesn't need to know I called him a kangaroo. "Sandy." He gestured to the tiny man on his left who smiled kindly and waved. "North." The burly man covered in furs smiled and nodded. "And I'm Jack Frost," he said gesturing to himself.

My mind was racing. These are the five Guardians that I had read about! Or, rather, the one guardian I had read about. But, I am still angry that they had landed in my kingdom.

"So, who are you," Jack Frost asked. I realized my posture was slightly off, so I quickly repositioned myself to show that I was in charge.

"I am Queen Elsa of Arendelle. I am very pleased to make your acquaintance Guardians. But, may I ask why you have landed in my meadow? Or rather crashed?" Jack Frost smiled sheepishly and rubbed the back of his neck.

"Uh, well, we were taking a ride around the world and we so happened to 'crash' in this lovely kingdom of yours." Jack had used air quotes when he said crash.

The big man so called 'North' stepped forth and cleared his throat. "May I add," he said in his thick Russian accent, "that Jack had made the crash landing." I raised my eyebrows and turned my attention back to Jack. He simply smiled and ruffled his hair.

"I see," I said while thinking about all the information that I had just acquired. "Well, since your vehicle is damaged, may I recommend staying in one of our few accommodations?"

The guard behind me suddenly cleared his throat. I totally forgot he was even there. "Your Majesty, there seems to be no more available rooms in any of our accommodations for five guests." I frowned slightly at this.

"Thank you guard for telling me. Well, I suppose you could stay at the castle. It wouldn't hurt." The guardians began cheering and having a small celebration. I told them that some guards would come and guard their vehicle until further notice.

"Thank you Queen Elsa for being so kind." Jack bowed slightly, making me feel silly for being addressed that way.

"Well, it was nothing really. Follow me. We will head back to the castle for dinner."

"Wait! I have to get something. I'll meet you guys there." I nodded slowly in Jack's direction and began walking back to the castle. It wasn't too far or long. Luckily for me, it was a beautiful day outside.

Just as I was about to enter the courtyard, Jack came swooping down from the sky. "WHOO HOO!" He yelled as he flipped and spun around in mid air.

"Show off," Bunnymund murmured. I watched in awe as Jack performed a few more tricks. He finally settled down and landed beside me. His staff was a funny shape, like a shepard's staff.

"So? What do ya think?" Everyone clapped and cheered while Jack just bowed and bathed in his glory.

"Thanks. It was nothing really." He bowed once more, then we began to walk into the castle.

"Welcome to the Arenedelle castle," I said cheerfully.

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