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Aye look at me came our 3 years ago, today

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Aye look at me came our 3 years ago, today

What is your favorite jah music video?

Mine is either moonlight or riot


"no the fuck/, you can go sit somewhere else" I shooed Geneva away.

Geneva stopped in her tracks, and mean mugged me. She glanced back at the teacher who was talking to another student in that moment. Geneva smirked to herself, and continued to walk herself over to us. She gave jahseh a weak smile, which he ignored, before she took a seat directly behind him.

I stared at jahseh who was on his phone, until he noticed that I was staring at him. He looked up at me, and waited for me to say something. Me, i didn't have anything to say though, I just wanted to show Geneva that, jahseh is mine, and she needs to stop trying.

"jahseh, papi can i borrow a pencil?" Geneva tapped Jahseh's shoulder.

"you speak spanish?" i turned back to her.

"kinda" she gave me an attitude.

"Sigue jugando con mi hombre, te cortaré la garganta." I smirked at her, giving her the warning

*use translate to find out what she said :)

Jahseh stared at me, indicating he didn't understand what is said. Geneva furrowed her eyebrows, and slowly backed away. She got up and walked to the front of the classroom, and began to talk to the teacher. Seconds later, Geneva walked out the classroom, and she looked scared as hell, which is good. I wanted to scare her.

"what did you say to her?" Jahseh looked at me with an amused look on his face.

"I just gave her a friendly warning to stop messing with you" I shrugged.

"aha bitch i heard what you said, that was not nothing friendly at all" Korrine laughed to herself.

Jahseh and Stokeley stared at each other, confused. I smirked, pecking jahseh on his lips. After a while the classroom phone rang and the teacher went to go answer it. She rolled her eyes like she usually did when someone was about to get sent to the office. She said ok and then put the phone down.

Geneva walked back into the classroom, still looking scared, and went to go sit back down but this time in the front of the class room. She eyed jahseh, but once she noticed i was staring at her, she looked back down.

"Jada,they need you in the office, and you too jahseh" The teacher exhaled.

Jahseh shook his head at me, smirking, and i got up, following him out the class room. I waved at Korrine and stokeley, before completely leaving the class. The office wasn't that far from the class, and I walked in front of jahseh, cause i knew i was probably about to be suspended again.

Jahseh smacked my butt really hard, like he always did.

"Oww jah you always do that" I complained, rubbing the spot he slapped.

"mhmm" he smirked, grabbing me and turning me around to face him.

He grabbed my waist and held me to his, smirking against my lips.

"we don't even have to go to the office" He massaged my sides, staring me in my eyes.

I crossed my eyebrows, indicating i didn't understand what he was talking about.

"we can just go home, cause we gon get suspended anyway, and you can fix this problem of mine." jahseh pulled me into his growing erection.

I let out a surprised moan, and maybe blushed a little.

"jah stop being horny, come on we have to go." I told him, grabbing his hand.

He grunted, rolling his eyes, and didn't move from the spot he was standing at. I stopped turning bsvk around to him. I sighed, walking back to him. I put my finger on the rim of his sweat pants, tracing it.

"i'll fix it when we get home" I assured him, making his smirk reappear.

we entered the office and the principal was standing there with his arms folded.

"come in my office...for the third time this month" He sighed.

We followed him into the office and sat down. The principal sat down, and the chair flew back again. Making me laugh as always. The principal shook his head, and aligned a stack of papers that were on the table.

"so you threatened Geneva, that you would slit her throat if she kept messing with your man, which im assuming is you" The principal looked at jahseh.

Jahseh's jaw dropped, smirking at me, surprised to the fact I threatened her like that.

"that is highly unacceptable. and since you are involved with this, you will be suspended as well" The principal looked to jahseh.

"once again, i don't give a fuck" Jahseh shrugged, putting his hands in his pockets so that it could cover his erection.

"you know what? im done with your attitude, ima call your mom today and inform her about your disrespectful attitude" The principal said, getting frustrated now.

"i don't give a fuck" Jahseh shrugged once more.

"get out" The principal shooed us out. I smiled a little following jahseh out the office.

"you threatened to slit her throat" Jahseh chuckled a little. 

I nodded, and glanced down at the boner that was still poking out of Jahseh's pants. I began stroking him through his pants. He grunted being sexually aggravated. I smirked, rubbing the tip, teasing him.

"stop fucking teasing me." Jahseh warned me.

I didn't listen, instead, i did the same thing. The exact thing he told me not to do. He clenched his jaw, keeping his eyes on the road.  

After we pulled into Jahseh's driveway, i got out the car and was about to walk to the door, when jahseh picked me up, putting my legs around his waist, and putting my back to the car. He started kissing on my neck, and bit my earlobe as he whispered in my ear.

"so you wanna tease me? ima tease you" he said, rubbing his erection against in between my legs.

I moaned into his ear, making him smirk, against the soft part of my neck.

"eww can yall stop" we heard Leos voice.


𝐛𝐚𝐝 𝐯𝐢𝐛𝐞𝐬 • 𝐗𝐗𝐗𝐓𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐀𝐂𝐈𝐎𝐍Where stories live. Discover now