Mirror, Mirror

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Stand by the mirror beside me

Tell me I want to be you

Because I really do

Tell me my smiling face has not been washed away by tears

Tell me my joys are not just surface deep

Tell me my faith is weak now, but it will harden and grow

Scream and crave these words into my mind

Scar my flesh until they are the truth

Should I come away with no mark from this request

Mark me still with lilies in my hair and kiss my weeping soul

For try as I may to live up to good standards

I find myself lacking, corrupt, flawed

Everything time I look at myself I think evil lurks in my sight

So tell me the truth,

So tell everything of truth in a full doze.

Will you hurt me and show me I am right?

Or will you hug me and show me I am wrong?

Poetry of the TidesWhere stories live. Discover now