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Watch him who they christen villain.

The one whom the exile and fear,

But he who has been harsh.

He is sir.

Sir, who is cloaked by dark mystery of silence,

His words bitter, brutal, and true with his enigma smirk of mockery.

He is the fearsome shadow that lurks behind one,

With whip in iron hands,

Sometimes a mask Sir wears,

It is made of emotionless metal place on his face,

And murmurs of secret horrors should we fail Sir now!

This is what they have come to think ...

Alas this view is terribly wrong.

Sir is not to be turned against us!

Such thoughts are off!

Let there be new light put upon the shadow.

Sir with such mysterious face,

We must confront him different.

Rethink him ...

Woe to upon us for seeing Sir as a shadow!

Turn the other way and see Sir again.

Sir's truest nature is:

His cloak hides a lantern of light,

The light of knowledge and wisdom.

His words meant to enlighten and create growth.

His grin is no impossible riddle,

But rather kindness and understanding.

He lurks not behind any soul as a nightmare,

He is instead guardian and teacher.

His mask is nothing, for it is only Sir thinking of a way to help.

And all those who whisper,

are those who lack this knowledge.

So with violent passion they cast stones, yell their upset thoughts ...

Calling Sir unfeeling dictator!

But oh, do not allow Sir to suffer from them and be thrown to the fire of their hate!

Sir means not to present himself so!

Understanding, understanding,

Is the key to see who Sir is!

Please remember Sir means to do well!

He has all our best interest at heart.

He labors us so rigidly to be ready to face the world beyond.

So what evilness that is curse,

is actually his blessing.

So understanding is key!

Do not start the fire or pick up the stones against Sir!

Sir is not a shadow to fear!

He is a guardian,

Sympathetic and strong.

So do not be afraid of Sir,

The guardian,

The teacher,

The lord of many lands,

The lantern holder,

The mysterious grin,

The tall shadow,

The hidden heart,

The blessing,

The strong,

The dictator,

The outcast,

The villain who is not a villain,

The caring.

Instead bow down and say,

"Thank you for everything, Sir."

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