If . . .

3 1 0

If ...

Tea parties and family saying, "How do you do?"

When they truly mean, "Oh it is her..."

I must sit through for honor.

I will swallow.

If ...

Dear Uncle Pete

Makes up his mind to play 20 questions with me

Or makes colorful and cheeky remarks about Grandfather.

I must close my eyes and be deaf.

For I cannot hold any fury.

I will swallow.

If ...

The gentle ladies

Take out their claws during tea

Because of last year's sins.

I must cover my face with a mask of joy.

I will swallow.

If ...

Sitting in a dark cave of wicked snakes whispering,

"Welcome child!"

When I know they mean harm to my soul and kin,

For father's shake.

I will swallow.


To be witness to the vile offspring of

Strange beasts be my role while at tea parties

For enduring unity.

I will swallow.

But in my pages of pen and ink I will scream!

Ideas and thoughts run loose and free.

Here I will not be abused!


Poetry of the TidesWhere stories live. Discover now