fem!Poland X fem!Germany

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I really liked doing this, I'm actually proud


A New Year's kiss
Poland's POV
Oh New Year's a day where all the days leading before that is us making personalized lies to ourselves,yeah,sure you might get more fit for the entire year, but we all know you're lying. I was alone on New Year's until I got a phone call"hey Poland" a familiar German accent rung through the phone "hey Germany, what's up?" I said a little wary "do you want to come to my New years party?" she said happiness in her tone "well,it beats sitting around and getting drunk by yourself, when you could be sitting around getting drunk with friends!" I joke, I hear her laugh "okay!,see you at 7!." what did I just agree to,a party where I'm going to be drunk in front of my crush,your so stupid Poland!. I started getting ready putting on a long sleeve crop top and some really short shorts and combat boots.at around 6:30 I hear loud honking outside followed by yells "come on Poland!,come out let's go to the party!" and already drunk sounding America screaming out the window of Russia's van i then run outside purse in hand with everything I really need mace water bottle my phone and backup mace you can never be too careful

||||||time skip|||||| we arrive at Germany's house Russia opens the door saying "ladies first" as America walks through. I looked around immediately seeing Germany she looks at me and immediately runs over "Poland!,your dressing skimpy this evening."she blushed. I blush slightly "yeah well you know it's New Year's," "y-you look good" Germany said an uneven smile spreading across her pink lips "o-oh well thank you" I said in a quiet tone as Scarlett ran across my cheeks.

||||time sikp cuz I'm lazy||||

Less than a minute till the ball drops,couples held each other's hands ready for their big New Year's kiss. as I sat in a corner I felt Germany sit next to me "hey, what's going on?" she said "oh, nothing, just chilling out here" and say in a quiet town "that's not good she says turning my face towards hers,she scooted a little towards as me everyone started chanting 5 she put her hands around my waist something I wasn't expecting 4 she scooted closer to me,me repeating that action 3 she rested her forehead on mine looking deep into my eyes 2 she whispered something I'd never forget "I love you" 1 she leaned in and kissed me I hesitated but kissed back as everyone screaming "happy New Years!" as couples kiss around us

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