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"Ty!" Shay shouted, coming down the path into the garden. As she neared, she realized he'd fallen asleep with several books around him. "Ty, wake up!" Shay urged, kneeling beside him.

Ty groaned, stirring slowly. "What is it?"

"We need to talk."

"You woke me up to talk?"

"I would have woken you up anyways. It's getting dark. Gather your books and let's go." Shay watched as Ty grudgingly stood and made his way back up to the castle, his hands full. Shay hurried to keep up, slightly annoyed at his speed. She waited until he came at a stop in front of his bedroom door and watched with slight amusement as he struggled to open his door. Finally, she leaned in and opened it for him.

"Thanks," he mumbled. In his room, he dropped the books on the chaise, sitting beside them. "Did you need something?"

"Yes. We need to talk. What's been with you? Ever since the trip to your kingdom, you've been quiet and moody."

Ty snorted, rolling him eyes. "I didn't know I was being watched."

"Every moment you're here, but that's for your safety, but that's not the point. We had a great night and morning, but now you've shut me out."

"What do you care?"

Shay narrowed her eyes at him, confused. Where was this attitude coming from? "What are you talking about?"

Ty laughed, the sound dark and empty of humor. "Yeah, sure. Keep playing me like a fool. How much of this is real, anyways?"

"What? All of this is real, what in goddess' name are you talking about?"

"Who else are you seeing?" He demanded, his stare freezing Shay in her place.

"Excuse me?" Shay stalked over to him, hands on her hips. "What did you just say to me?"

"Who are you seeing, Shaylee? Who are you fucking behind my back?"

The accusation was a slap across her face and she took a physical step back. "How dare you," Shay murmured. Her voice was quiet, but the words were sharp and clear. "I told you that I had not been with anyone the way I've been with you – ever."

"And I'm to believe you've never had a boyfriend?"

"What on earth? Tyro, what could that possible have to do with anything?"

"Answer the question, Shaylee!"

Yes, of course I've had a boyfriend before! That was a lifetime ago though, and things aren't like that between us anymore!"

"Yeah, just like things aren't like that with Sammy and her boss." He scoffed snidely, walking away from her.

"Sammy? Of course, you would bring her up. Talking to her on the phone wasn't enough?"

"Are you spying on me?" He asked incredulously.

Shay rolled her eyes, crossing her arms across her chest. "Someone overheard you on the phone. I think it's safe to say if anyone is going behind anyone's back, it's you, Tyro." Her words bit through his anger like venom and he felt small.

"It wasn't like that," he protested trying to hold onto his anger. "She's my ex."

"So is Avery! I don't even know how or why he got brought into this conversation, but he is absolutely irrelevant!"

"So is Sammy! Our engagement is broken, but I'm not sure I could say the same for you." Ty shot daggers at the ring on Shay's finger.

She followed his line of sight and let out a loud, angry laugh. "You're being serious, aren't you? Ty, have you noticed this on my finger in the last two weeks?" When he remained silent, she angrily shook her head. "The answer is no. No, you haven't. Ask me why. Ask me, Tyro." Her voice was icy as she demanded him to ask her.

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