Chapter 2 ~

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Hi, my name is Leah Foxgrove and I'm 18, well I've just turned 18. I have turquoise coloured eyes and brown hair, I absolutely love shopping, eating and a huge dedication towards One Direction, OH MY GOD! The thing I actually like about myself is however much I eat, I don't get fat, but I do earn a little kilos but that doesn't matter.... Does it?

I go to Railbur College and I'm currently in my first mid-year. I live in the UK, London. So I love my flat it's quite spacious and we have four rooms, with my mum, my older brother Josh who's 19, I like to call him Jam because of this hilarious incident that happened earlier on today.

Lastly, my auntie Talilah. She's 21, woah I know and she told me and my brother to call her Tashie cause she said that name makes you look and sound more younger, Does it? I don't know .. So Tashie sometimes brings her boyfriend Aiden home, and stays a night or 2. To be honest, he's quite not my type I wouldn't choose him he's kind of ugly. God that sounds quite harsh!

"Leah, come downstairs. It's dinner time!" My Mum's voice rang from the bottom of the stairs.

"Coming Mum!"

I closed my diary that was graffitied 'One Direction', and pictures and stickers glued onto it. I smiled as I grabbed the key of my diary and locked it securely placing it in my drawer under some folders and papers and all that. I tied my long brown hair into a high messy bun, clipping my loose, short fringe to the side. I sat myself onto the wooden white bar that supports you and slid right downstairs.

"Weeeeeeeeeeeeee!" I childishly yelled and I ended up on the warm brown carpet safely.

"Careful honey!"

My mum almost dropped the food as I fell right in front of her pair of feet. I went to the dining area sitting myself down on the cream coloured padded chair comforting. I loved chicken, my mum made Chicken Curry! Mmmm... I thought of texting my best friend Amy, and asking her if I could come around for abit. Anyways I would stay there for like 3-4 hours and right now it was 1:30pm.

"Uhh Leah? You want to come shopping with us?"

Tashie tearing me away from my thoughts, I looked up popping a piece of chicken in my mouth as she waits for a reply.

"Umm who's 'us'?"

"Aiden and I?"

I shuffled in my chair, I really didn't want to go, I loved shopping so much but I was arranging to go to Amy's house and have abit of fangirling time there over my boys! Then there's Aiden and I hated him... He was a nice guy but a bit of a temper too plus he's ugly... there I've said it!

"Well?" There she goes again the unpatient Tashie waiting for my answer.

"No cause I've already arranged to go to Amy's for a few hours, and I'd love to... I wouldn't say no if I didn't plan to go to Amy's. Maybe next time, please?"

I emphasised my 'please' as I finished eating my lunch.

"Oh, okay we shall go tomorrow." A smile appeared on Tashie's small face swishing her blonde hair back sipping onto her glass of red wine. I nodded placing the plate into the sink ready to earn itself a good scrub.

I ran upstairs back into my room as I let myself fall onto my queen-sized bed, One Direction printed duvet and pillowcase. I looked around my large room and my big posters hang down nicely and neatly being a neat freak here.

I took out my white iPhone and texted Amy;

'Want me 2 come 2 urs?x -Leah' I typed sending it through.

I got a reply from Amy straight away.

'Sure come along :D im sooo bored! Quickly! -Amy xx'

I typed up my message before i go off into my walk-in wardrobe to find suitable clothing.

'alright, be there in 10 min ;) x -Leah'

I chose my flarey cream coloured sleeved top that is printed a '1D' logo onto it with bits of red. I picked out my maroon coloured skinnys as it matched abit, keeping my hair out straightening every hair strand. I wore my beige flats, grabbed a few pounds from the kitchen and headed off.


¤ Hello again guys! I hope you enjoyed it! Please comment vote and fan please!

¤ As I said this is my first fanfic i'v done, let me know if I need to improve on a particular thing :)

¤ I hope this wasn't too long or too short, I promise I'll do medium ones lol!

¤ Oh and the 1D boys will appear in other chapters once I get acceptable readers. THANKYOU Means alot :')

Follow me on Twitter: @1D_LatestInfo & @zarrywhaat

Kik?: Feemz1D

Instagram: @r_faheemah

~ Faheemah x

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