Chapter 11 ~

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Kicking the big heavy purple and cream coloured with huge flowers sewed into them, I turned round for the hundredths time, my eyes still refusing to open. I tried getting comfortable but today, this just wasn't for me.

I opened my eyes staring into the darkness that lived before me. Sighing a long, annoyed and angry sigh, I shifted my legs to the edge of the massive queen bed. I know what was really wrong, I was dying of hunger! I can never sleep without any food in my stomach, sometimes I catch a heavy head which makes me want to puke...


I stood up and walked towards the wooden door of my bedroom at 1:55am in the morning, twisting open the silver door handle I made my way through the pitch black darkness down the stairs.

The lights weren't switched on, which is a good thing knowing that half of my family is awake I would actually really disbelieavingly would run back to my room and then they would find a dead body in the room upstairs which is obviously me. But a human being can't die in a day without eating food, and that's a fact.

Scraping my hand against the almost freezing wall, I finally found the switch and switched it on with my finger.

After the long re-adjustment of my eyes, I opened several cupboards my eyes scanning for 'suitable' food, well to be honest, I found so much of suitable food mostly stuff like packets of crisps, bar of chocolates, a bag of marshmallows, cans of fizzy pop and even a big amount of popcorn!

I quickly got my grip onto it greedily, my arms filled with the junk. Smirking to myself I ran back upstairs making as less shuffling a bag crunching noise as possible. I entered my room and dropped all of the contents onto my 1D duvet.

I made my glance at Zayn sewed in my duvet, Just then it hit me my body tensing up as I bit my lip. I needed to check if there was any texts from Zayn. Texts from Zayn are the most important ones. Chewing my lip from inside, I picked up my mobile phone from the bedside table unplugging it from charge.

I slid my thumb across the screen as it unlocked, scrolling onto my 'notifications' bar I realised I had 12 messages. I checked who they were from and most of them were from the lads, I noticed I recieved 2 messages from Zayn, my eyes widened nervousness reaching my body, opening the first message I began reading..

'To: The Hot Leah

From: Zayn Is Vain

Hey Leah, I got your letter..'

I read throught the text twice just to make sure I'm not insane and seeing things.

It felt like the massive weight was lift off my shoulders, Atleast this is done and dusted, but there's still another problem, Will it be-

I was cut off from my thoughts by another text message, and guess what it was from Zayn! I couldn't wait much I was hungry but this message could even lose my appetite if it was something... bad?

I scrolled down with my thumb to the next text message Zayn sent.

'To: The Hot Leah

From: Zayn Is Vain

You not replying? You're still angry? I'm sorry :'( i'll explain when we meet in person. Take care :) x'

Skimming through the message it left me with quite a few questions,

What's the problem now?

What is he even on about?

Have I done something again?

Why can't he meet me now?

Now? He must be sleeping by now, It's 2:00am...

Opening up the last message it read something small, so I didn't get nervous as much again.

unknown love » z.m.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora