Chapter 18 ~

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Right now, the time was approximately about 4:00pm-ish, and now I have 2 hours to get ready to this 'date' with Zayn and have no idea at all where he's taking me. As long as it's something I'll love & enjoy, then everything else will be just fine! Unless he decides to take me to a scrapyard or old peoples homes.

Suddenly there was 2 knocks on the door and I got up opening it wide.

"Hello, are you Leah Foxgrove?" A man in his mid twenty's - thirty's in a black suit thin tied, asked me holding a packaging that looked quite nicely packed up.

"Yeah I am."

I smiled then confusion taking over me.

"Ma'am this is for you."

I furrowed my eyebrows fixing my gaze upon the neat packaging, the man held it out for me to take which then I gladly took. This was unusual, no one calls me 'ma'am', I'm not a high person, just a normal plain girl.

"Umm, don't I have to sign anything?"

I asked confused.

"No, not for this." He replied with a small grin.

I looked back down at the package trying to remember when I ordered anything off eBay? I can't remember!

"THANKS!" I shouted whilst the man began walking down the stairs to the reception of the entire flat.

The man held is hand up a sign to say 'okay' or 'your welcome'. What an odd dude..

I ripped open the neatly packed 'thing' and started ripping on the second layer.

As soon as I opened, a bright loveheart shaped post-it note flew out landing on the floor. I picked it up and began reading it;

'Just follow the pink dust after you're ready, and this will lead you to your destination. This may be a 5 minute walk, I'll be waiting love, <3'

I read the note twice and double checked it so I'm not just seeing things. I could feel the corners of my lips twitch up, straight away I thought of Zayn writing this with a small coloured-in black heart at the end.

I set the note down and dug more into the package ripping more and more paper out that came in the way, It actually felt like the game 'Pass the Parcel'. Finally which what felt like years, I found the last bit of paper wrapped up which then I unwrapped. Revealing a peachy coloured knee-length dress, accompanied with matching heels. The dress was strapless which would stop above my boobs. It looked really tight, but it was beautiful, the heels were the same colour and it was a 3 inch heels. It would shine in the night out in the streets, because it was really obviously shiny and glossy.

I caught another small note that was the same shaped note as before, I picked it up with my fingertips and started reading it;

'Hope you like this dress and heels, and honey, don't put makeup on, you're beautiful just the way you are, I'll be waiting sweet, <3 x'

I smiled at the note and placed it on the small pile of the other note, I took all the stuff running upstairs to my room and dropped everything gently down onto my 1D duvet.

Checking the time, it showed 4:15pm, my eyes widened as I hurried round the room getting my makeup ready eventhough Zayn told me not to.

I rushed into the shower, and let the hot water run down my cold body, As it massaged it's way to my feet. I washed my hair with a vanilla scented shampoo and rubbed it in grabbing the bottle of bodywash scrubbing it onto my body. I rinsed myself out thoroughly and switched off the shower snatching the towel off it's hanger. I wrapped in round my cold body stepping out of the steamed bathroom and into my freezing cold bedroom, the air hit my body like iced bricks.

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