chapter nine

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It was loud.

Everything was spinning with tails of neon blurs behind them. Their laughter and chatter sent a ringing though his ears, and he winced at the sound while simultaneously trying to keep to the walls away from the crowd. The bass boosted music didn't help his hearing either as it vibrated his vision and shook the floor he stood on, making him wish they would have came before things had got so loud. Or maybe didn't come at all. Flashing neon lights danced around the sizeable living room, contrasting against the dimmed lights above their heads so they could see where they were going. The smell of marijuana and... was that cigarettes? Did people still smoke cigarettes? Whatever it was, mixed with the smell of reefer, Calum was choking and begging to disappear outside or even to just crack a window open.

Michael likes things like this?

Sweaty bodies were being pressed up against him and he moved awkwardly through the sea of teenagers. A few people noticed his face, giving him a nod in acknowledgement to move, but that was it. Never for more than a second did their attention linger on him, and he liked it that way. Liked blending in.

When he finished squeezing past the crowd, he grabbed on to the wooden stair railing and pulled himself up. It felt like a hundreds of people were here, and he needed to find Michael because somewhere between the front door and the drinks he took in the kitchen, he had lost the blond. Or had Michael lost him? He doesn't know, he just needs to find him.

He squinted at a familiar head of messy hair, and his feet stumbled off the first step of the stairs as he tried thinking of a way to get to him. Had he always been that attractive?

He watched from across the room unknowingly with heart shaped eyes as the boy talked to somebody else in a corner of the room. He honestly had the body of a god, and he would bow down to him if he so much as turned his way just once more that night. Or was that the alcohol talking? The black skinny jeans he had on hugged his lower body every right, and so sinfully wrong, ways that the school uniform didn't and if he could, Calum could watch him all night.

He looked at the cup in his hand and then took a drink, this time the sweet taste of some fruity cocktail danced on his lips. Didn't taste like the shots he had before, but that's okay. He didn't need anymore strong liquor if he was riding home on a motorcycle, which had a higher rate and probability of crashing than a normal car.

He sighed as he realized the alcohol didn't give him any extra confidence, leaving him to wonder with an almost sober brain what to do. He didn't know whether or not to confront him while he's surrounded by equally as attractive men or to just to stand and watch like some kind of creep. He didn't want to just awkwardly watch, but if he couldn't hike up his skirt than how was he supposed to get Michael to grind that way on him?

He shouldn't even be drinking, but he unconsciously finished the rest of his cocktail and then left the cup on the table beside him before sighing. What did he have to lose? He could lie, say the liquor made him weak to his desires, that the only reason he wants to be so close to him is because he's the only face he cares enough to know.

Fuck it.

He threw herself back into the crowd of people, pushing past them and squeezing through every little nook and cranny he could. It wasn't as bad as before since most people had brought the party upstairs or to the backyard, but it was still pretty bad. He still had cups in his face and some guy's sweat on his jacket from his shirtless body rubbing up against him, but this trip was worth it, hopefully.

Would Michael push him away?

He stopped, sweat beading his face as he pondered over the thought. He and Michael had nothing, why wouldn't he push him away to get with somebody else? Somebody more his speed?

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