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We walked faster toward the mall. That picture will spread like wild fire. "What are we gonna do?" I asked.
"There is nothing we can do."
He said. I started to get scared.
"Don't worry they where gonna find out sooner or later." He said with a smile on his face.

"Skip to when we get home*

When we got home I checked my phone. The first thing I saw was the picture of us holding hands. I checked the comments and someone said
:Why's he dating her?!? She's ugly.
I felt hurt. Someone else said.
:Ewww she's so fat.
:I'm cuter than she is
:They're ugly together.
Cash looked over my shoulder to see what I was reading. I didn't notice I was crying.
Cash pushed my phone away from my hands. "Don't." He said. I wiped the tears from my face and lied down in his bed. I saw that cash posted a story on Instagram. It was a picture of us together and on it it said: this is the love of my life. If your not okay with that then fine you can leave all my social medias because I love her. And if you guys are real fans your support that.
He lied down beside and saw that I read it. "I love you." He whispered. "I love you more."
"I love you most."
We both smiled. And then Maverick walked in. "Dude, every time." Cash said laughing. "So how was your guys night." He asked us
"Amazing." He said hugging me tight.
Maverick jumped on the bed and lied in between us. "Come on!" Me and cash both said. We all laughed. "I love third wheeling. "Maverick said. He got back up "well I'll leave you guys alone. But a warning, I will be back." He said pointing at us as he left. "Oh my god." I said smiling. "I'm sorry he is so annoying."
"I heard that!" Maverick screamed from one room over. We both laughed. 

*Next day*

Me and cash are having a beach day. I'm so excited. I haven't been to the beach in a while and its one of my favourite places to go.

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