leave my house

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Maverick drove me home and I jumped in my bed and curled up and cried myself to sleep. My eyes were in pain from the amount of crying I have done.

The next morning I woke up my mascara was running down my face. I decided that today I have to move on from cash. If he cheats on me, I have to find someone better. Someone that actually think I'm more important then that lying, cheating, bitch did.

I opened my phone to 30 missed calls and 10 messages from cash. The thought of not answering taunted me, but curiosity over came me. I opened it and couldn't believe what I read.

"Baby please don't leave me."
"I can't live without you."
"I don't want to live without you."
"I didn't mean for this to happen."

The texts went on from there but I was done reading them.

When I was done reading them I went to the shower. I was listening to sad songs... Of course. That's what I do when I'm sad. My long, peaceful shower was interrupted by a knock at the door. I dried myself off a little and wrapped a towel around myself.
Who ever the person was, they were eager to talk to me. "I'm coming!" I screamed in frustration. I opened the door swiftly and there he was. Standing at the door. His eyes were red and he has a bottle of whisky in his hand. "Cash?! What the fuck are you doing." I exclaimed. He swayed back and forth and then giggled.
"What's happening to me?" He leaned over and whispered in my ear.
"Cash, how did you get here?"
He laughed and pointed at a car that I assumed was mavericks. But Maverick wasn't in it. "You didn't drive yourself here... Did you?" I asked. He just laughed. "Maybeee." He smiled and leaned on the door frame.
"Cash you have to leave." I said standing back. "But. I just got here." He laughed. I grabbed for my phone but he swiftly grabbed my wrist. I pulled away. "Don't call Maverick please." He said with a serious face. He took a step in and I backed into the  wall. His chest was almost touching mine and I could smell the scent of whisky on his breath. "Your scaring me." I whispered. "Let me love you baby."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 21, 2019 ⏰

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