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It was 2am and I'm still thinking about what happened today. My parents got into a fight again. This time it was about my friends and me going out and partying. I got home at around 5am, totally wasted. This was the first time I've ever tried drugs and it seriously messed with me. It's not like I'm addicted to them already it's just that I want to have fun and spend my youth actually doing something and not being a total nerd like the rest of these people in this town are.

"Hey, y/n are you up?" My little brother asks in a pleading voice. I see him in front of my door. His little shadow spilling out from the hall light being on.

"Yea, I'm still up. Is their fighting bothering you?" I sigh dreadfully knowing my little brother is scared.

"Maybe. But I had a nightmare again. It was that our parents are gonna stop being together and we're gonna get separated. Do you really think that's gonna happen? I don't want that to happen y/n. I'm scared." He says in a frightful voice. He comes closer and I notice the tears spilling down his checks.

"Come here, Byung-woo." I say to calm him down. He climbs into the bed and I wrap my arms around him. "Everything is going to be ok. I'll never let us be split up. Just know I'll always protect you."

He slowly fell asleep snuggled close in my arms, and here I am still lying awake wondering if what he said will actually happen.

I'm worried about Byung-woo because he is so young and pure. He definitely shouldn't have to go through this at his age. He's only 6 years old. He deserves better. When he's older he'll understand more and I'll protect him no matter the cost.
Jungkooks Pov.
I'm at another show tonight. Playing my guitar like nobodies around. I do this for money so that I can spend it all on the drugs that I so crave. But here in this moment it's just me and my guitar. When I'm finished all these people cheer. All of them with fake smiles and fake laughs and fake praise. These people don't deserve to hear my music but what choice do I have.

I put my guitar back in the case and get off the stage. I start heading to the bar when I collide into someone. I feel a hot liquid on my chest and look down and see coffee spilt all over my white shirt.

"Hey, man I'm so sorry. I guess I just didn't tie my shoelaces tight enough." A guy with a to long beard and bald head says.

All I do is nod and continue walking. I must not show that I am mad because then that'll start some crap that I don't need. I change my shirt in the bathroom and go to collect my money. I go to the bosses door and open it to find naked girls surrounding his chair. I'm used to it so I just ignore them.

"Hey I'm here for my pay." I say trying my best not to puke of the scent of sex in the room.

"Yea here. It's $60 bucks as promised." He smirks and hands it over.

"You promised me $80, Beom-seok. You did this last time too." I say with venom in my voice.

"Yea well moneys tight so take it or leave it. I don't think you want my security called now do ya, Jeon Jungkook?" He says with a smirk.

"No now I guess I wouldn't." I snatch it up and leave. I walk out the building so fast I don't see the girl in front of me and we crash into each other. This is twice this has happened to me.

I look up and see a girl probably around 16. She has long dark hair and skin that looks to soft to touch. Her makeup is light and she has these cute freckles.

"Oh sir I am so sorry. I wasn't-"I interrupt her.

"No it was my fault. I shouldn't have been going that fast and not looking up. My you looking pretty young to be going to one of these clubs." I say with curiosity in my voice.

"Sir if you don't mind I would really like you to mind your own business. I said I'm sorry and next time I'll watch where I'm going. It was nice meeting you but I gotta go." She says with a little attitude and hasty movements.

She walks past me and I can smell the vanilla perfume she has on. Its smell is intoxicating and I know I want more of her. Her cockiness just makes me want to bend her over and give her what she wants. To satisfy my needs and introduce her to a world that would wreck her.

I have a feeling that we'll be meeting real soon. And next time I won't let her just say sorry for that. I'll make her crave the very thing that I can give her. But right now all I need is my drugs and another woman to fuck because once you get addicted, you can't stop.

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