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I've been debating life decisions right now. Should I go or should I stay at home with my little brother, Byung-woo? I was outside at the moment. Well outside of Jisungs house.

I could feel the bitter wind on the backs of my knees. I felt like I was being watched for some odd reason.

I couldn't shake the goosebumps this feeling was giving me. I really wanted to go home and see if Byung-woo was ok but this party, I just feel like it's going to be special. Something to remember.

I remember going to Jisungs birthday party when she was turning 15. Her older brother was there, Yoongi. Yoongi and I did not get along for some reason. He just had this cockiness about him that I hated and he would always creep around my friends and I. Then he would glare at me for no reason.

But oh well, that's in the past. Hopefully he's gotten past that hating me stage and stopped being so damn cocky. That's stupid smirk of his. So fucking irritating.

Three hours later...

I felt as though I was being judged so much right now. Everyone's stares and glares all because of how I was dressed. Well their clothing isn't much better these ugly whores. Yes, I'm at the party already and no, I haven't seen Jisungs brother, Yoongi, yet. Thank Jesus.

I go over to the drink table and get a wine cooler. I turn around and see Yoongi, glaring across the room at me. Whelp, looks like he still hates me. Oh, no. He's starting to walk over here. Oh fuck. What am I supposed to do?

He stops in front of me and starts looking up and down.

"Well I'll be damned. Is this the same y/n that used to slam her face in my sisters cake just so she could get the most? Cause, babe, puberty hit you hard. In more areas than one." He looks at my body again. Carefully assessing every inch and I start to feel very uncomfortable.

I look him straight in the eyes and say "Yes, you overgrown man child. It is the same y/n. But I'd appreciate your eyes to stay about the tits you were looking at. I came here to get eye fucked but not by you, you creep." Wow, took all the courage to spit that out. My palms start to sweat and I have the feeling to run away.

"Look who gained some balls over the summer. But don't you ever talk to me that way again y/n." He leans in close, close enough to smell the beer on his tongue. "If you ever, and I mean ever, talk to me that way in my house, I'll make you regret the day you were born, sweetie."

"Well good thing I already do." I walk away saying that without even looking at his face because I know that if I do, I might actually run away this time. 

I go outside to get some air and people are still arriving.

"How many goddamn people are coming to this shit show." I hear a deep and raspy voice say a little bit to the right of me. I look over and see a man in about his twenties probably.

He has dark, almost black, brown hair. He has a cigarette in between two long fingers. I just stare at him for a couple minutes until he looks up.

"Umm can I help you?" Man, this guy sure has attitude problems but that's when I realize that this man is the guy I ran into at the club. What the fuck is he doing here?

I walk up to him just a little bit. "It's nothing. I was just surprised. Now if you would excuse me." I bow my head down a little and go to turn when he grabs my wrist and looks into my eyes.

"Hey, your that girl I ran into at the club aren't you?"

"I have no idea who your talking about, sir."

"Omg, you really are her. Well damn, I didn't expect to see you here."

I start thinking of a plan. Should I run away or tell him the truth? Ok fine. I'll tell the truth for once in my life.

"Ok yea, I'm the girl from the club. But you can't say anything. You hear me? Things are already hard enough at home." Man, my voice has so much remorse in it and here I thought tonight was supposed to be fun.

He grabs my wrist and starts dragging me inside. He brings us to the liquor table and starts filling up the small paper cups with drinks. I watch him down about two of them and he hands me a couple.

"It's time to have fun, ok? That's what parties are for." He looks into my eyes and I feel compelled to drink these shots so I do. I don't know what he put in them but almost immediately I start to feel a tingle and a little light headed from them and again, for the third time tonight, he takes my wrist. He starts leading me up the stairs and into a room.

He closes the door and starts kissing me out of no where. His lips are so soft but it's hard to register what's going on because of the alcohol. Out of no where I feel this despair and the need to cry. So I do. I start sobbing my heart out because this pain is so hard to ignore.

Jungkooks Pov.
The girl in front of me starts crying, no, she starts sobbing. I start to think that I did something wrong. Was it the way I kissed? Did my mouth stink? Hmm I wonder.

"It's so hard to handle. It's so hard. Nobody understands." She starts saying all this stuff and I don't understand. "You know, I'm pretty sure my parents are going to get a divorce because of me. Because of the way I act and deal with things. I hardly speak to them anymore. They have no idea how hurt I really am. Did you know I was raped when I was 10? By my fathers friend. My father had a small get together for high school friends. That's where it happened, in the same house I have to live in today. I've never told my parents, mostly because i know my father would feel as tho it's his fault that it happened. But they just don't understand and then there's my little brother, Byung-woo. He's only six and shouldn't have to see his parents fighting all the time. I've tried to stop but I can't. It's the only thing that helps me cope."

I start to hold her because if I don't, I know she'd fall right to the floor. I didn't realize that these things had happened to her. It just makes me want to protect her and care for her more. I think I understand her a little bit better. We all have past that we couldn't help having.

"Hey, I'm going to tell you something I've never told anyone before." I look past her head and tell her my story. "When I was fifteen, I had these friends, Taehyung and Jimin. We were just teenagers but we knew what we were doing. We went to my moms once, to get my stuff so I could live with my dad. We walked in on her and her boyfriend shooting up dope with a needle. Her boyfriend was this beefy, all muscle man and us? We were just your average pimple faced, skinny freaks. He threatened us and told us we had to do what they were doing or he wouldn't let us take my stuff and leave. So we hesitated a lot at first and he put a knife to jimns throat and said these words "You guys won't make it out alive if you don't man up and try this shit." And my mom just sat on the bed in a high watching as it all unfolded. Her son was being threatened to do drugs or to die and she couldn't give two shits. Me and my friends shot the shit up but guess what? I'm the only one that got addicted. Isn't that some shit. Ever since that day I've wanted, no I've craved drugs and it's all my moms fault. All because she was to obsessed with her boyfriend and the high she got off the drugs. But now I got the high and it sucks. It really does. My dad wasn't always there for me because he worked his ass off for us to have a roof over our heads and dinner on the table but then my father died when I was seventeen. After that I went to live with Taehyung. He knew about my drug addiction but couldn't help. I don't know where Taehyung is today but I do know that if we were to meet again it wouldn't be a happy meeting. "

I look down at her and I see tears in her eyes and some how I know those tears are for me and my story.

Nobody's ever cried for me. I feel like a weight has been lifted off my chest by telling someone what happened to my friends and me. Maybe, if we get to meet again, this girl and me, we can tell each other everything and understand that all we have in the world are our words and at least one person that will understand them.

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