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I wake up in my bed. I wonder how the hell I got here. I remember only some of last night vaguely. I ran into this handsome guy and we went into a room. Wait a minute. Did I cry?

Omg I'm going to shoot myself.

"She's never going to listen if we don't start disciplining her the correct way." I hear my father yell at my mother.

"She's a teenager. What do you expect her to do. Dave, she has her own life too. Let her live it. I'm sick of you always treating her like a child. She needs too—."

Next thing I know, a big smack echos up to my room. I shake off my covers quickly and run downstairs. I see my mother on the floor, clutching a big red mark on her face.

"What the hell dad. You can't just hit mom like that. Are you nuts?"

"You women need to be taught a lesson. You need to respect the man of this house." He spits with venom in his tone.

"Fuck you, dad. Or should I call you women beater since you like to beat women and all that shit. You need to respect her. I know I don't make the best choices but she didn't do anything wrong. You shouldn't—."

Next thing I know, I'm on the floor beside my mother. I feel this sting on my left check and tears come to my eyes. I hurry and run past my father and out the door.

I have no idea where I'm going. I just know I can't stay here. Good thing Byung-woo is at our grams for a couple nights.

I head to the closest convenience store and head inside. Good thing I still had my wallet from last night. I buy a cup of ramen and head over to the boiling water. I pour some into my cup and wait till there ready to eat.

When there ready I go find a table and sit down but then remember that I forgot a fucking drink. Wow, my days going great. I go to get up too quickly and run into someone. I'm about to fall when someone grabs my small shoulders, preventing me from falling.

I look up and see the man from last night. Goddamn it. I just can't catch a break, can I?

Jungkooks Pov.

I'm about to go get a drink in a convenience store, that's a little ways from my house, when I crash into someone small. I grab their shoulders before they can crash to the floor.

I look down, about to say sorry, when I realize I ran into the girl from last nights party and from the club. She looks up and that's when I notice a small bruise, forming just below her eye and spread a little on her cheek.

"Hey, what happened. Are you ok?" I say to her in honest concern.

She looks away from me and pushes herself so that we're a little distance apart, but I still have her shoulders in my hands. "I fell when my friends and me were roller skating. Don't worry about it."

"What kind of shit is that? What happened? Tell me, please." I am pleading with her because I need to know. I need to know who I have to make pay.

"Please, it's nothing. It'll heal in a few days."

I look at her and feel as though I should take care of her. So I do something I've probably never done. I invite her to my house. "Hey, do you need somewhere to stay tonight cause if so, my couch is all up for grabs right now?"

She looks like she's pondering the question. "I should be fine for tonight."

"Oh come on. I know you don't want to go home tonight and my place is free. Boy Scouts honor I won't try anything." I hold up three fingers while having two fingers intertwined behind my back betraying my words.

"Ok, fine. You've convinced me. But only for tonight and I have to finish my ramen because that shit is important."

I just laugh at her and watch her shove her face full of her noodles. She's so cute when she eats. What the hell. Cute? What the fuck is wrong with me? I need to get it together.

Once she finishes we head over to my place and I start to put on some hamburgers on my George Forman. Shits way easier to cook on than a frying pan. Trust me. I put some fries in the oven also.

"Hey, why don't you put in a dvd that we can watch while eating?"

Y/n Pov.

This guy is kinda weird but he took me in for the night and is cooking for me. I put in a dvd like he asked.

Twenty minutes later...

We sit down on the couch and eat our dinner while watching the lion king. Yea who knew this guy would own like all the Disney movies. I can't tell if this guy is a softie, a dick or a complete man whore.

"Ok, so all this time we've never exchanged names. I'm Jeon Jungkook, you?" He says in curiosity.

"Mines y/n."

He looks me in the eyes. "That is a beautiful name, y/n. It matches a beautiful girl." He takes my hand and kisses it.

I start to get slightly uncomfortable. Tonight is just not the night for sex or anything of the sort.

"Don't you think it's time to go to bed, Jungkook? I mean, it's getting pretty late and I'm just so tired from tonight's events." I say pretty hurriedly.

"If you say so, princess." He whispers softly next to my ear. I shiver and he smirks.

He gets up and goes inside a room. God, is it hot in here or is it just me. He comes back with a pillow and a blanket.

"Hey you can sleep in my bed tonight. I like the couch anyways."

"Oh no I wouldn't want to impose or anything. I can sleep on the couch. I don't mind." I say this because who knows what goes on in his bed.

"It's either yes or yes. Get your butt in my bed now, y/n." Man, his voice is commanding. It's kinda hot. Damn it. I shouldn't be thinking this.

Since I have no choice I get up and head to his room, but then I hear, " Hey, y/n?"

"Uh yea?" I say with hesitation.

"I just want you to know that if something is going on you can talk to me right? I'll always be here if you need someone."

"Thank you, Jungkook. I really appreciate that." I quickly head into the room and shut the door. I'm breathing quickly. Why does he make me so nervous? No other guy has made me feel this way. It's really bothering me.

I try to ignore these strange feelings and lay down. I can't fall asleep because I'm thinking about what happened today. I'm thinking about all the negative stuff and it really hurts. So I just lie here, at 3am, silently crying because I don't want him to know and worry about me because I'm not worth it.

Jungkooks Pov.

I hear her crying in my room, on my bed. Theres nothing I can do, but listen to her breaking. It breaks my heart, but I don't know why. Am I starting to like, y/n?

I can't let that happen. Now that I've gotten to know her, I don't want anything bad to happen to her and her being around me is nothing but bad news. I know that after tonight we probably won't meet again. No, I have to make sure it doesn't happen.

She's just going to get hurt even more than she deserves. These feelings that are surfacing will just need to fade away. It'll take time but eventually, everything fades away, even people.

His Dirty Love•JJk•BtsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora