New Girl?!

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*Midoryia's POV*

I stand in the classroom doorway, starring at a very beautiful girl. She has long, black, wave like hair, a sharp jaw-line, and crystal blue eyes. I step back and look at the teacher with wide eyes.
"Midoryia... Are you alright?" Aizawa Sensei asks and I shake my head no.
"Who in All Might's name is that!?" I whisper shout. He sighs.
"A new recommendation student... her name is Shiro Hatsume. She is a... well... I'll let you figure that one out." He says and i raise an eyebrow. He walks into the class and says hello to her. When she says hello back, I feel like fainting. It is rich and velvety, but as hard as (Kirishima with his quirk) stone. I feel the need to be protected by her for no reason. I take in a few deep breaths and walk into the classroom. She looks over at me, i feel it, but I don't look up at her. I hear someone stand, and hear footsteps come to me.
"Hello there." Velvety... That is the right word for her voice. I look up and see her muscular form, thin waist, round hips, nice bust... Yep... I can barely look at the girl without thinking about her thighs, calfs, and even her arms!
"H-hi?" I stutter and she chuckles at me.
"I'm Shiro Hatsume. Nice to meet you." She says holding a sculpted arm out to me.
'Izuku... Calm down... It's fine... I will be okay... All will be okay...' I think to myself and take her hand.
"Izuku Midoriya." I say and she nods. She lets go of my hand and smiles at me.
"Well... Have a nice day Izuku." She says and walks back to her seat.
'God Deku... I don't know if I messed up or not, only one girl talks to me and that is Ururaka, she only is easy to talk to because of how friendly she is... Ugh what do I do?'

*Todoroki's POV*

I walk into the classroom to see a girl starring out the window and Midoryia mumbling to himself. I sigh and walk over to my seat, which so happens to be right next to the girl. As I walk towards her, I feel a more... Dominate Aura? I think? It feels as if I need to listen to her no matter the situation.
"Oh... Good... The rest of the class is finally here... Shiro, please come up, tell us your full name, and your quirk." Aizawa Sensei says and she nods. She stands and as if time has slowed. I notice everything about her. I can smell a very strong scent as she walks past me.
'FireWood and Vanilla... Never thought they could smell so good together?' I think to myself and time goes back to normal.

*Bakugo's POV*

She looks so... Pretty? I don't do feelings often... But she... is just... Different. something about her that makes me want to just cuddle up to her and not be mean... What is this feeling?
"Hello. I am Shiro Hatsume, I like to sing, and my Quirk is the Alpha Quirk." She says and slowly everything in my slow brain clicks together.
"Alright... Class, You have free time for the rest of the day... I will dismiss you to lunch but other than that, don't be loud, and don't wake me up." Aizawa Sensei says and falls asleep. I start to drift off when I hear gasps and footsteps come near me. I look up from my desk and see Shiro standing right in front of me.
"Hello." I say and try not to get distracted by her intimidating Aura. She smiles and notices a chair that is empty. She takes it and moves it by me. She sits down and crosses her legs, and her wearing a skirt is NOT helping the situation. I keep my eyes locked on hers and she smirks.
"You must be Katsuki." She says and i subtly swallow.
"Yes I am. What's it to you?" I ask with realistic confidence... even though it is entirely fake.
"Oh... Midoriya was just telling me you guys are childhood friends? Mhm?" She questions and I nod slowly.
"Yeah... We are... Why are you asking?" I ask slowly and she shrugs.
"Just wanted to know... How long have you known him?" She asks and I bite my lip without realizing it.

*Kaminari's POV*

My eyes widen as she walks over to Bakugo. I look at Kirishima and he has the same look on his face.
"Bro... What is gonna happen?" I ask him and he shrugs.
"I don't know Bro..." He says and our eyes widen more when he bites his lip without realizing. After they talk for a while, she hands him a paper and his eyes widen in shock.

*Bakugo's POV*

She hands me a paper with a phone number and my eyes widen in complete shock.
"Have a good day then." She says, gets up, and leaves. I hear running and, still with wide eyes, look up to see Pikachu and Stupid Hair are coming over to me.
"Bro... Did she give you her number?" Zappy asks and I nod.
"Y-yeah... She did." I stutter but don't even try to hide it.
"Yo! Text her and see if it isn't a number for like a church or something!" Red Head says and i nod. I take my phone out, type in the number, and text hello. A few moments later, a reply comes in.

'Hey Katsuki'

The two nerds with me saw the same thing as me and look over at her, she is putting her phone away. They look at me and I hit my head on my desk.
"K-kacchan! Are y-you alright?" Deku comes over to me and I sigh. I look up at him with a soft look.
"I'm fine Izuku... Just a bit tierd." I say and his eyes widen.
"D-do you want me to leave?" He asks and I shake my head.
"Not really... But it's up to you." I say passing out.

*Your POV*

I look over to see Katsuki passed out and sigh. I suddenly feel a sharp pain in my head.
"Ah... So he's my Omega? Huh..." I think to myself and walk over to him. All of his friends are freaking out.
"I'll take him to the nurse... Kirishima... Come with me so he can have someone he will recognize right away when he wakes up." I say, picking Katsuki up bridal style. He nods and comes with me to the nurses office.

The Alpha Quirk [Katsuki × Reader]  -DISCONTINUED-Where stories live. Discover now