5- A fact or a lie

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Gasps were sound in the now quiet awkward room.

"Mom, I'm winning, can we do that conversation after I win?" I whined.

"Did I just... did, she just say..." Sofia shakes her head trying to "wake up", it seemed.

I didn't think it was possible, but Alejandro's face got paler.

"Granddaughter?" He stuttered.

"Um... surprise?" Camila asked nervously.

So... that's a no go to doing the conversation later, huh?


"Mija, explain it to them, look at them, they look like they've seen a ghost!" Sinu laughed.

"Okay, you guys, you better sit down." Camila mumbled.

They all set on the couch together, Camila and I were in front of them. Camila has her arms wrapped around my neck and shoulders from behind as her weight is slowly left on me.

"I met Abby at my concert. We had this unbelievable connection, I have no words to even explain it with... Here and there, we got to a point where we spent two days together. We cared about each other from the start, it was so weird, I never felt like that with fans who come to my concerts... but... we had a problem, and I couldn't keep spending time with her and keep her safe, considering she didn't really have someone to keep her safe, I wanted to be that someone, and well, I adopted here two weeks ago and now I am." She sighed. "You need to understand, it all happened so so fast, and it was all so complicated, I didn't know what I was doing, I didn't know what was happening, we just, jumped right in, we didn't have time to think everything through, and plan properly. She needed me, and I wanted to be there, and well, in some way, I needed her too. She makes me feel less lonely, and she somehow succeeded in stooping my anxiety completely, she gives me more confident and makes me feel so happy all the time..." She smiled, rambling her thoughts out. Her tears and mine collide together on the ground. My heart beat itself out of my chest. This woman is so special. She makes me feel so happy too. 

that's so cheesy. I'm not crying.

this is the weirdest conversation I ever had to be apart of.

Alejandro wiped his own tear, and Sofia was still more then shocked, she looked terrified. We look like we're on a movie. It feels like we're on a movie. This is so surreal.

Sinu was proud. You could see it in the way her eyes were twinkling and shining with tears.

"Did you know about this?" Alejandro asked Sinu, his voice shaking.

Sinu only nodded, holding onto his arm for dear life.

I'm not crying.

I'm not crying.

Alejandro got up and walked slowly towards us, stopping when he was face to face with Camila. 

Oh, boy...

He hugged her tight.

"I'm so proud of you Camilita, for caring so much about people, for helping someone who needs your help instead of walking away from them." He said.

I'm not even taking offense to his words. That was really what happened. I needed help and she gave it to me instead of walking away.

Wow, I feel... So overwhelmed. WHAT IS GOING ON?!

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